Google Indexing My Pages With this RSS url


New member
Mar 3, 2008
Anyone knows why does google index my latest posts the following way and how to avoid it?. It seems to get corrected after a few days though.

http://example dot com /post-example/ ?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=post-example

It is following links on your site that contain those url parameters.

If you continue to have issues (this sounds like a site architecture problem) - try using the canonical tag. Beware - many people screw up this tag and really bork their site.

Without seeing the actual site it's hard to give you specifics.
Maybe the architecture of your site is not done properly, once Google crawls the links from the starting page to the landing page, it indexes them as such, and so you see the results like this. After a while Google just seems to leave out the mistakes.