Google Hijacking your keywords?

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New member
Jan 15, 2007
Minneapolis, MN
I thought people who do AdWords PPC might find this interesting. TheGoogleCache is reporting that Google sees to have hijacked their own keywords after launching a new campaign. From their blog:

With the ad group now setup and complete with the appropriate ad copy variations, and beautifully low bid rate, I launched the ad group. Within 10 minutes my ads were exactly where I wanted them to be at an incredibly low price. I was pleased.

To my utter dismay the very next day I checked on the positioning of my ad and found that not only had all of the sponsored listings been filled (over 5 pages deep!) with advertisers whom were sight unseen for 3 months prior but, my ad was nowhere to be seen on the first two pages of the search results.
Interesting concept... Google taking note of words that you're bidding on, evaluating your on page content, and (somehow) assigning other bidders your keywords? I dunno....

Link Here: Doing Google AdWords’ Homework at TheGoogleCache

Interesting concept... Google taking note of words that you're bidding on, evaluating your on page content, and (somehow) assigning other bidders your keywords? I dunno....

It's not that they assign other bidders your keywords it is that they use your research - using their tools - to associate your keyword with other broad match words advertisers are bidding on so that they can fill previously empty ad space.

This essentially drives up the cost per click to compete for the terms' available ad space.

It is a way for Google to increase competition and therefore create higher bid prices. (ie. more money for Google)
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