Google Haters UNITE!


New member
Jul 18, 2009
Need some help from you guys. Tomorrow I need to give a 5 minute speech in my communication class, and I decided to give the speech on how Google's growth will affect our privacy.

I've seen a shit load of well written articles over the course of the last few months specifically on that topic, but I can't find them anymore. Does anyone have them bookmarked?

The angle I'm tackling for this speech is going through several of the new companies they recently purchased, and any new ideas they'll been tackling that brings Google closer to knowing everything there is about a single user online.



There's a few things worth noting here...

On December 2009, Google's CEO, Eric Schmidt, declared after privacy concerns: "If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place. If you really need that kind of privacy, the reality is that search engines - including Google - do retain this information for some time and it's important, for example, that we are all subject in the United States to the Patriot Act and it is possible that all that information could be made available to the authorities."[16]
Privacy International has raised concerns regarding the dangers and privacy implications of having a centrally-located, widely popular data warehouse of millions of Internet users' searches, and how under controversial existing U.S. law, Google can be forced to hand over all such information to the U.S. government.[17]
In its 2007 Consultation Report, Privacy International ranked Google as "Hostile to Privacy", its lowest rating on their report, making Google the only company in the list to receive that ranking.[18][19]
Carl Hewitt noted that intimate personal information is a "toxic asset" in Google datacenters because it will lead to government regulation "analogous to medical and legal practioners." Consequently, he recommended that Google should perform semantic integration in equipment controlled by a client so that client information in Google datacenters could be decrypted only by using a client's private key.[20][21]
In 2002, the non-profit group Public Information Research launched a website known as Google Watch, which advertised itself as "a look at Google's monopoly, algorithms, and privacy issues."[22][23] The site raised questions relating to Google's storage of cookies, which in 2007 had a life span of more than 32 years and incorporated a unique ID that enabled creation of a user data log.[24] Google Watch has also criticized Google's PageRank algorithms, saying that they discriminate against new websites and favor established sites,[25] and has made allegations about connections between Google and the NSA and the CIA.[26] Connection with the CIA has been discussed by others as well.[10] In February 2003, Google Watch nominated Google for a Big Brother Award, describing Google as a "privacy time bomb."[22] Google now anonymizes its IP data after 9 months and its cookies after 18 months, according to Google's privacy FAQ.[27]

Criticism of Google - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Talk about that sweet Pacman game and how you can find tons of porn using the image search.
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Thanks Garret. That video led me to; which is packed with all the information I needed. Took down some info, and in a practice run, I come out at a 7 minute speech. Good shit. Thanks.

Use that one and you may get the professor to get you an automatic A so they don't have to look at that pic for the whole speech.
When I was a senior in high school I did a powerpoint on something in American Lit. I don't remember what the powerpoint was on, but I do remember that everyone in the class appreciated that I made it like a feature film and included MPAA ratings and a Batman Returns trailer.

Kids just didn't do stuff like that in 2005. I remember getting an A though, sizzle over steak ladies.

my post in another thread:
If you don't like the way Google acts, just don't use them. It's their company, their product, their TOS. If you don't agree with their TOS, don't use them. Vote with your dollars.

*scroogle (scrapes Google, same resutls, no ads, no tracking): Scroogle Scraper
*ixquick:Ixquick Search Engine

For the record: I don't like Google and the way they act, so I don't use them or any of their services. For search, I use scroogle. (Scroogle = same results as google without their ads)

interesting links:
Ex-Agent: CIA Seed Money Helped Launch Google
CIA and Google Team Up Again For More Spying