Google has not indexed my site


New member
Dec 19, 2011
Its been about a month on my niche site and google has yet to index it in. Is there a reason for that?

Some friends have had their site indexed within a few days.

Ive got decent content, started backlinking (slowly), submitted to directories, set up blogger/FB/youtube/stumbleupon/wordpress etc with dofollow links back.

Maybe I might looked over something?

Any suggestions and would be greatly appriciated.

Do you have any backlinks? If so, what type of backlinks (directory, blog posts, forum porfiles, forum signature links, etc)?

Also, does your site appear when you type this in google:
Yes I have a few directory, blogpost and blog comment backlinks.

The site doesnt appear on google with

However, it does appear on bing and yahoo and blekko.
Google must not like your site...
I've had sites in the past that just wouldn't get indexed at all.

Also, if you bought the domain after it dropped it could be banned.
Go to (after the blackout) and check if the domain has a history.
Took a few months before my new site was indexed.. I was using WP with indexing turned on. I assumed there is a sandbox period for new domains - but that was just a guess
Google must not like your site...
I've had sites in the past that just wouldn't get indexed at all.

Also, if you bought the domain after it dropped it could be banned.
Go to (after the blackout) and check if the domain has a history.

Hey man maybe thats it? Ive looked at the age of my domain name and it says almost 2 years, I have only had it for a month. How would this affect me? And what would I have to do to reverse it if it is dropped or banned by google?

Yes ive got index by search engine on wordpress

Ive got Google webmasters set up and pinged my sitemap a few times. Still says 0 pages indexed
Shoot it a bunch of shitty links, bookmarks, and tweet it. If bookmarks, thousands of comments, and twitter wont get your pages indexed you're out of luck and may want to consider moving the project onto a new domain.
Hey man maybe thats it? Ive looked at the age of my domain name and it says almost 2 years, I have only had it for a month. How would this affect me?

Go to and see if they have any history of the domain...
If they do and it looks shady then it could indeed be banned.

And what would I have to do to reverse it if it is dropped or banned by google?

Go to Google Webmaster Tools and then submit a site reconsideration request.

Ok I checked on and indeed it was owned by someone since 2010. It does seem like they didnt do a whole lot with the site tho.

The content they had is similar to what I am doing.

Amazon affiliate banners but no Google adsense. Nothing shady looking..

It could be that im just in the sandbox period? None the less, I dont plan on quitting on a little hiccup. Exact match domain is pretty sick.
They could have had a lot of shady backlinks that've got the domain penalised/banned.

All good that you don't want to give up on it, however there's little point carrying on backlinking and adding content if the thing is never going to index.

Do the reconsideration request first and see what happens.
Submit your website to Google Webmaster Tools. I don't know if they will give you any clues, but if you have any malware or anything that could be preventing the site from showing up in the results (I had a website that was hacked and Google eventually removed my listing for the website because it contained spyware) then they would at least notify you of that.
From experience, the distance between Google finding your website for the first time and Google indexing it is absolutely arbitrary.

I've had websites get indexed within hours while another is waiting in its sixth week.
You can always index new domain (if its not some dropped and banned) within few hours if you create enough quick links.
I've never had a problem indexing a website. I've seen maybe 2 days, but generally that's just because Google had no way of knowing my website exists. A few backlinks to your website from almost any website that Google regularly crawls will get your site indexed.

I also always submit feeds / sitemaps to Webmaster Tools. I think it helps for indexing.