Google has fked me over. What do I do?


New member
Feb 7, 2010
Not ranking related.

I forgot my youtube account password so I go to reset password on youtube. It resets my GMAIL password because apparenty youtube and gmail are now linked, and sends my gmail password to some old ass hotmail account I havent used in over 6 years. Neither can I answer my secret password because its "your first phone number" i've tried all the ones i could remember and it doesnt work. I filed a form to recover my address, and they wrote back to my secondary email "Thank you for your report. We've completed our investigation and cannot return your account at this time. To create a new account, please visit this link" No human person to email, no phone number to call.

I provided my pre-reset password, my ips match, the names match, my second email receives mail from the first. What the fuk else do I have to do?

So now I'm out of my primary email address because of google's dumbass integration of youtube and gmail. Fuk you Google, suk a cok i hope your stock plunges to a penny.

Ya it's childish how they link youtube and google.

Last time I tried to change it I was not able to.

Spent 2 hours on it. GL
I have seen this password integration between youtube and google, and this is absolutely ridiculous, I agree. At least is shows their security is strong.
Did you happen to have your gmail account linked to your cell phone to reset passwords via SMS?
Remember folks, if its important keep on top of it. For something like google apps,etc

- Keep your backup emails, etc current.
- Use strong passwords ('goldfish' and 'money' are not "$7R0Ng" passwords) as you'd be surprised how many people were "hacked" cuz they had a weak-ass password.
- Setup a POP3/IMAP client over SSL just in case (so you can still get your shit if you forget)
- If there is an SMS option, use it, keep it current. (don't use a google voice number... cuz well you gota know your gmail login..)
- Only one gmail account... seriously?

In short, google didn't fuck you over, you fucked yourself over.
Remember folks, if its important keep on top of it. For something like google apps,etc

- Keep your backup emails, etc current.
- Use strong passwords ('goldfish' and 'money' are not "$7R0Ng" passwords) as you'd be surprised how many people were "hacked" cuz they had a weak-ass password.
- Setup a POP3/IMAP client over SSL just in case (so you can still get your shit if you forget)
- If there is an SMS option, use it, keep it current. (don't use a google voice number... cuz well you gota know your gmail login..)
- Only one gmail account... seriously?

In short, google didn't fuck you over, you fucked yourself over.
I have a ton of gmails but this one was the one I used to sign up for everything. I made the account back when gmail was still in beta beta and it was exclusive as hell and people were giving head for an invite (not I). Years go by and you just dont think about updating your secondary account, or putting in the sms option. Worst part is I have SO many sites where I signed up with that email so now I have to create a new gmail, figure out what sites to change emails on, and hope I dont miss anything important.

I filled out three of these stupid things
And they all got rejected, even though I provided a lot of the info. But a lot is impossible to provide. When I made the account? Who referred me? How the fuk can someone remember that? If I could actually talk to a real person I'd be able to explain everything. Does Google even have a customer service department for gmail? i dont think so