Google Channel ID

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New member
Mar 6, 2007
What's the easiest way to get the google adsense channel ID?

Right now, I have to go to create->click add for channels->look at the output

There has to be a more elegant way -_-

What's the easiest way to get the google adsense channel ID?

Right now, I have to go to create->click add for channels->look at the output

There has to be a more elegant way -_-

good question. In desperation I sometimes go back and stick the damn number right next to the channel name. There should be a more elegant way but perhaps Google are not that clever?
What's the easiest way to get the google adsense channel ID?

Right now, I have to go to create->click add for channels->look at the output

There has to be a more elegant way -_-

Once the channel is established, it's easy to convert or change the channel in the code that was provided. I just recently did something like this with a find and replace of the entire site very successfully. I hope this helps!
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