Google Cash Detective

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The guy in the video sounds like Ben Stiller from Zoolander...

its true, had me laughing pretty hard the whole time :)

The guy in the video sounds like Ben Stiller from Zoolander...

At about 47 seconds when he says unlimited keywords, it's pretty damn close. I had no idea some people actually talked like that. I wonder if he's going to unleash the "magnum" version to us next.
Some dumbass left this in an open directory a bit ago and I got a peek at it. (I don't know if it was the final version or not, but I suspect it was)
It has ok information, but honestly doesn't look revolutionary in the least.
isn't direct linking getting the boot soon on AdWords?
How would direct linking get the boot on AdWords? All "direct linking" is is redirecting automatically through a tracking server to an end-page - Google really couldn't care less if you add a hop of an affiliate network or tracking system, as long as the redirect is flawless. Redirecting through a meta refresh might eventually trip things up with their system, but there's no impending direct linking rule change I've heard.
Some dumbass left this in an open directory a bit ago and I got a peek at it. (I don't know if it was the final version or not, but I suspect it was)
It has ok information, but honestly doesn't look revolutionary in the least.

How did you find it?
Some dumbass left this in an open directory a bit ago and I got a peek at it. (I don't know if it was the final version or not, but I suspect it was)
It has ok information, but honestly doesn't look revolutionary in the least.

Review copy? ;)
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