Google Bans Now Require 3 Month Notification Period - In France


WF Platinum Member
Feb 16, 2009
Article is here.

Google reached a settlement that may have global implications, in a case brought by a French AdWords customer, The New York Times reports.

French company NavX, which publishes maps displaying the locations of speed traps, brought the suit when Google banned it from AdWords, on the grounds that radar detectors are illegal in France.

In its settlement with the French Competition Authority, Google agreed to various new conditions on its ability to ban advertisers, including a three-month notification period.

The specific conditions apply only in France, and only in NavX's industry, but Google also agreed to apply "the principle of improvements and clarifications made in implementing these commitments" in every industry, and in every country in which it operates.

That's a lot vaguer than agreeing to an actual policy, but it gives something for advertisers everywhere to point to if Google doesn't act more transparently when it blacklists companies.

Read more: Google Makes World-Wide Concessions In Settlement With French Regulators (GOOG)

Not sure how their nazi policies will pan out in the future, but I sure as hell hope more companies start taking a stand like this.

all I cought was french blah blah blah / sorry what was that about frogs?
Once there was this pond. On one side of the pond was this big empire that had ruled the pond for a very long time. On the other side of the pond was an upstart colony that was originally supported and financed by the big empire. However the upstarts had decided that taxation had gotten out of hand. A pond fight started between the empire and the upstart colony. Frogs came from across the pond and helped the colony kick empire ass. Or a least through some of there effort helped make it no longer economically viable for the empire to keep ruling the colony. Present day pond affairs has the empire, upstarts and frogs as allies when a common threat or mutual gain is on the table. Yet for some reason no matter what the frogs have done since or will do they are often spoken of in a derogatory manner by the former empire and frequently by the upstarts that received the original global changing help.

The moral of the story; There is no moral you stopped reading at "Once there was this pond"