Google anti cougar

Fuck family-friendly. If you really want family friendly turn off your fucking tv cause half the shit there is just fucking up the youths mindset. We're slowly moving into an internet dictatorship. Google being Hitler and Facebook being Stalin, I wonder who's going to take Fidel Castro and Trujillo's throne??
Fuck family-friendly. If you really want family friendly turn off your fucking tv cause half the shit there is just fucking up the youths mindset. We're slowly moving into an internet dictatorship. Google being Hitler and Facebook being Stalin, I wonder who's going to take Fidel Castro and Trujillo's throne??

If you haven't seen the movie Idiocracy yet, check it out
Good article there. It's true what was said, what exactly makes "Date a Millionaire" family friendly? It's a shame anyway, I bet those Cougar ads were converting like crazy.
Fuck Google. I love cougars.

How is cougar dating any more or less "family friendly" than any other type of dating site that is currently allowed?

Seriously, I get sick of all this moralising bullshit.