Google Adwords CPC Rev Down 8% .. Clicks up 34%


chicka chicka wassup
Apr 22, 2008
With the data now out on Google latest earnings report it looks like Google has seen its CPC earnings slide by 8%

Now the actual number of clicks has gone up 34% however the price paid per click has dropped dramatically.

Simple supply and demand would suggest this is because there is not enough advertisers to bid up the price to where it previously was.

Coming out of a christmas quarter I was surprised to see the demand for ad space drop. Do you think if this trend continues Google could start to loosen there restrictions around affiliates using there service again ?

Source: Are analysts missing the big picture on Google? - MarketWatch

inb4 dedicated english speaking google account managers and an unofficial word for major affiliate niches being unbanned.
LOL, oh sweet justice. When you start banning advertisers for life this is what happens.
oh they should pay for what they did (and still are doing) to affiliate marketers, would be nice to see them crawl back
When you start banning advertisers for life this is what happens.

^^^^ This.

I mean, what do they fucking expect?

I've talked to many small brick and mortar business owners who got banned for no reasons... mind you, these guys are not advanced users like us, they're not doing anything shady, what do they know? They got some free coupons in the mail asking them to try out Adwords and when they did, they got banned for life. They had no clue, no chance. They came to me asking me what went wrong with their campaigns, I shrugged and told them to fuck Google.