Google Adsense Secrets ebook download

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If you making Thousands in Adsense.
WTF, you making an Ebook for? You are selling your Proven Strategies to others and they create competitors!

Stop, wasting time reading, use the money to make a proper site and another few pennies to drive traffic to your site.
pearz76 said:
If you making Thousands in Adsense.
WTF, you making an Ebook for? You are selling your Proven Strategies to others and they create competitors!

Stop, wasting time reading, use the money to make a proper site and another few pennies to drive traffic to your site.

The only time I would read it is when I was taking a shit. I figured some people might be interested in it.
Nah, when I take a shit I read more valuable stuff. Those ebooks tell you what you know, in an elaborated fashion.

ie: "DID YOU KNOW that if you use less competitive keywords you can get TONS OF TRAFFIC for only a FEW CENTS per click! Which will then convert to SALES!"
eBooks about AdSense from "AdSense Jerks" are OK for beginners but not for people who ever manadget to earn $1 per day.

If you look at this forum (and similar ones) you will find more information and tips than in all ebooks about AdSense together.
That's true but I have also seen people stating stuff that is utterly incorrect on this forum and others.

I buy the occassional ebook, and if it's crap I ask for my money back.
I'm pretty sure that Joel Comm makes more money from infoproducts than from adsense. What does this mean? Maybe because he sucks in adsense and then go for infoproducts? I really have no idea, and this is just a guess. :tongue2:
I think I have that e-book around somewhere, don't remember if I read it all or not though.

As noted, you have to question the business acumen and judgement of anyone who would go sell their secrets to hurt their own ability to be profitability. So if their claims of making all this money with adsense or whatever it is some ebook or informercial might tought were accurate, you would have to seriously discount the advice because the move of selling actual useful advice like that for <$100 is absolutely dumb.

So either these people are really dumb, or they are selling a dream.

You are likely to find a useful tip or two in one of these books, but nothing likely to make them worth the purchase price.
This is total shit. There is no any secret Idea or tricks to earn more money from Adsense all knows we can earn more by adsense simply by driving more trraffic.
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