Google ads wont show... tried everything


New member
Apr 19, 2010

For the life of me, I cannot get my ads to run. They were running smoothly and all of the sudden at 376 clicks they stopped. My budget is fine, my max cpc bid is fine, my quality score is fine, my landing page is good. I can't figure out what it is. My ads follow all of the rules. Google is taking forever to respond to my emails.. it has been two days and I can't get these ads to run! Any ideas?

is it content network or search? google has a tool in adwords to test your ads and if they don't show tool tells you why.
This isn't what you want to hear, but you're probably about to get banned. I've been banned three times and that always happened to me before the banhammer fell: Ads weren't showing even though everything was OK with them, and they reply to your email with "your account is under review." Usually takes a couple days.
Sometimes i just dont understand the shit that Google does. They seriously need to make their fine print clearer. I blame Microsoft for not making a shortcut for Magnifier. Sue both them bastards and get rich or die trying.
This isn't what you want to hear, but you're probably about to get banned. I've been banned three times and that always happened to me before the banhammer fell: Ads weren't showing even though everything was OK with them, and they reply to your email with "your account is under review." Usually takes a couple days.
Not 'about to get banned', it IS already banned. My old accounts have all stopped receiving impressions since last year. If you contact them they will tell you your account is banned.