Google acquires Admob for $750 million.


Jun 28, 2006
London, UK
Seems a very high valuation - didn't think Admob was doing such large volume? Or is this just a market share play by Google?

Google to Acquire AdMob
November 2009
Today we announced that AdMob has signed a definitive agreement to be acquired by Google for $750 million. We are extremely excited about this new partnership and what it means for our advertisers.

AdMob’s people, products and tools will continue to work to deliver successful campaigns for you – no interruptions. Our product and engineering teams will keep building great products for our customers. Our business development team will keep working to maximize ad revenue for the more than 15,000 mobile Web sites and applications that make up AdMob’s publisher network.

After our deal closes, AdMob will work with Google to accelerate the pace of innovation in mobile and do an even better job for you. We believe this deal will benefit our advertisers by:

*Increasing our investment in building innovative and engaging ad units across platforms and to further improve targeting and tracking.

*Building even more powerful relevance and optimization capabilities.

*Improving the already high level of service and support we deliver to our advertisers.

You can read more about this deal at Google to Acquire AdMob.


I see/ignore the tiny AdMob banner on my iPhone when I'm using a free app. It's not that intrusive, but I wonder what changes will happen after the acquisition. I'm thinking contextual ads, annoying, more persistent, location aware, tracking I can't delete or prevent, etc. Does anybody know if there are Flash cookies and local shared objects (LSO) on the handheld devices like Android and iPhone?
Does anybody know if there are Flash cookies and local shared objects (LSO) on the handheld devices like Android and iPhone?

The iPhone can't run flash, but can set cookies as far as I can tell. The Android I'm not sure.
I agree with -Matt-, I don't think the valuation was based on AdMob's marketshare as much as the volume and quantity of information they must have been able to garner from iPhone users.
not great news. More G BS transported over to another platform and traffic source. What are they gonna buy next? All the CPV nws?
Now that is a great fucking buy! I can see mobile getting bigger and bigger in the coming years. My girlfriend really only uses the internet on her phone, she finds it a lot more convenient for the shit she does.
My brother does metrics for apps that have admob.

They're absolutely not worth 750m , HOWEVER google seems to think mobile computing is the next internet , and they're trying to corner the market before it really develops.

IMO , It was stupid of them to get admob , they could have just opened up adsense/adwords to phones on a better platform , however I imagine they wanted to take out a potential future rival before they even became a issue.

It amazes me how google can acquire companies like this , or YT , both of which I'm sure have a revenue far below what would be considered par for the market.
Pretty sure admob has a monopoly or close to it, think they were playing the future

lots of ads all over iphone apps
Google was funded in their Series A round in 1999 by KPMG and Sequoia. Michael Mortiz spent years after IPO on Google's board and John Doerr of KPMG still sits on Google's board.

Youtube was exclusively venture funded in their Series A and Series B rounds by Sequoia. Youtube was acquired by Google for 1.6bn.

AdMob was funded by Sequoia in their Series A, Series B, and Series C rounds. AdMob was acquired by Google for $750mm.

No one "in the know" is naive enough to pretend there isn't additional incentive for these purchases.
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Google was funded in their Series A round in 1999 by KPMG and Sequoia. Michael Mortiz spent years after IPO on Google's board and John Doerr of KPMG still sits on Google's board.

Youtube was exclusively venture funded in their Series A and Series B rounds by Sequoia. Youtube was acquired by Google for 1.6bn.

AdMob was funded by Sequoia in their Series A, Series B, and Series C rounds. AdMob was acquired by Google for $750mm.

No one "in the know" is naive enough to pretend there isn't additional incentive for these purchases.
