Googl Reviews Ads?

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Jun 5, 2007
I just had one of my adwords ads Disapproved for the first time. The ad got Disapproved because I'm using redirects straight to the affiliate offer. I wouldn't be fucked up about it ( on facebook it's a daily occurrence ) but all of my ads are set up that way and I'm actually making money off of it. I have the IP address from the reviewer saved. Can I cloak my redirects just to show google what they want or would this be a waste of time?

I just got another one disapproved. this seriously sucks. dammit Google!
It's not against the rules to redirect to the affiliate link, but your display URL must match the destination. For instance, if you're promoting an offer for, and send it through your link of, the display URL must say, not
I run into similar shit when running UK only offers, which are IP restricted to UK only, and Google fucks with with disapproving the ads since them being in the US get redirected to a different URL, which is for US offer.
It's not against the rules to redirect to the affiliate link, but your display URL must match the destination. For instance, if you're promoting an offer for, and send it through your link of, the display URL must say, not
oh. I was confused about there new display / landing url policy and i thought that they had to match exactly. Well im not going to do anymore ad testing tonight. It seems that someone at google has a boner for me:batman:
How about throwing up a good LP and send them to that. Once the ad is approved, have the link redirect somewhere else (direct to the offer).
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