Goodnight America, and good luck.

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New member
Apr 9, 2007
Bedtime here, good luck for tomorrow.

:jester: or :xmas-smiley-016:? Which tit will it be?

I know your system, like ours, is a bit fucked up but if any of you fuckers don't bother to vote, then don't complain about the next inevitable shitstorm caused by the people you couldn't be fucked to vote for or against.

There's millions of people worldwide, like me, who wish they had a say in who will be the most powerful man on Earth for the next few years. You guys do have that vote, so please fucking use it.

Wasted too long looking for political tits... gave up but found these nice ones for ya:


best political post ever!!!annnnnnnd i rick roll anywhere so its that much better!
Fuck politics. I love the effect the cool breeze has on her breasts. Vote Obama!!
The upside to being legally stripped of my voting rights is... I don't have to take the fall either way for a shitty president!

No matter who wins, there will be 50% of the country whining about "fuck, why did I vote for him!" in 2 years...

I think it would be cool if absolutely NO one voted

Sure, someone would still win... But I mean... How cool are you if you were voted in by 700 people out of a whole country? haha

Nice to dream...
The upside to being legally stripped of my voting rights is... I don't have to take the fall either way for a shitty president!

No matter who wins, there will be 50% of the country whining about "fuck, why did I vote for him!" in 2 years...

I think it would be cool if absolutely NO one voted

Sure, someone would still win... But I mean... How cool are you if you were voted in by 700 people out of a whole country? haha

Nice to dream...

Yeah, it would be fuckin great if everyone refused to participate in the fucked up system... but that's never gonna happen unfortunately.

How do you get stripped of the right to vote? Here you have to be in prison or insane.. and even then you get the right back when you are released or if you recover.
Bah, democracy. It doesn't matter who you vote for, the Government still gets in.
You're awesome. +rep.

The problem isn't the politicians. The problems have become the systems of politics and finance. And endorsing the system by voting, won't change anything. The candidates are bought and paid for, or they would never be allowed to run ads or get in a debate.

And voting for the lesser of two evils, is still voting for evil.
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