Good UK Accountant

i do self assessment

and a lot of advice I got was from, I got some very useful tips from things I can claim on from the forum.

Some of them have been able to provide my with valuable tips on tax for self employed affiliate marketers.

I studied accountancy at uni, I think any accountant whose qualified should be able to deal with your accounts. Even if he/she isn't used to doing accounts for AM he/she can easily get to grips with it.

There's substantially less paperwork, no mountains of sales receipts and invoices to go through. Often all your income comes as lump sums from networks. It's super easy.
i do self assessment

and a lot of advice I got was from, I got some very useful tips from things I can claim on from the forum.

Some of them have been able to provide my with valuable tips on tax for self employed affiliate marketers.

I studied accountancy at uni, I think any accountant whose qualified should be able to deal with your accounts. Even if he/she isn't used to doing accounts for AM he/she can easily get to grips with it.

There's substantially less paperwork, no mountains of sales receipts and invoices to go through. Often all your income comes as lump sums from networks. It's super easy.
I used to use UKBF for accountancy advice, until the most recent time I used them. I had everyone who responded say that I was too late for registering as self-employed, and that I'd probably had to pay a fine. Phoned up HMRC, who said I had until January (this was about a month ago), and that there'd be no fines or anything.
the accountants are actually right, it used to be the case that you were given 3 months time since the start of your business to register it or yourself as self employed for tax purposes.

But they changed the rules so that you have to register it immediately when you start trading.

However the HMRC people informally are still going by the 3 month date for whatever reason.

I've been told by accounts that although you can register within the 3 month period, the rules state that you must register immediately or pay a fine or something. here's the thing, an accountant will tell you it's probably OK to register after a few months, but to cover his/her back in case of a lawsuit they'll tell you to register immediately. They can only tell you what the rules are. If they tell you otherwise they become liable for lawsuits and all sorts of other headaches

With regards to HMRC, I guess they will use their discretion and decide to fine you or not, the point is you CAN get fined, it's not an automatic fine. I guess it's up to the tax representative.

I do think they're mostly ignore that rule because it's a silly idea to force someone to register as self employed as soon as they start trading. Most people who aren't experienced in business will try something out on a whim, and do some casual work on the side. Forcing people to declare themselves self employed before they start trading is just more red tape, and will only serve to dissuade people from thinking about getting into business.

Although to be fair, our tax system is so dire that HMRC will have no clue you have a business on the side if you do it part time outside of your full time job.
Thanks guys. The is useful. I've found an accountant who has alot of affiliate marketing clients and who's also on skype regularly for ad hoc support. So I'm changing my books to him.