Good Site vs. Money Making Site


New member
Aug 16, 2010
In which scenario would you say you would make more money in the long-run?

A good, user-friendly site that people actually enjoy and would come back to. Articles bring quality over efficiency (not necessarily SEO-optimized or anything), etc.

Everything is SEO optimized, as much content placed on site as possible even if some repeats itself, site solely made to make as much money as possible.

For making as much money as possible, which would be better, A or B? I was thinking B, but maybe it's not as simple as that, since if you have a good site you're going to probably get lots of natural and organic backlinks etc.

Depending on strategy. If B is easier to maintain then it would be great to create multiple sites of B which can earn much more money.

For site A however can built good reputation.
A - long run strategy, it will probably achieve its rankings more naturally and thus be more stable going into the future
B - short run strategy, has the possibility to make money quick but can be volatile and not last, however not to get me wrong it can last into the long run if you pay proper attention to it

Best in my opinion is to have some B type of sites, use profits to fund A type of sites.