Good resources for product market research?

Nov 7, 2006
Scottsdale, Arizona
Hey bros...
I've been trying to find decent resources to get market research from. Been Googling this, that, and the other - but it can be a pain to sort through all the non-related shit and outdated/foreign PDFs or news articles.

There are obviously quite a few paid resources out there too, but they often want an arm and a leg for basic reports. I thought I was onto something when I found (U.S. department of commerce) and, but neither site returned anything...

What I'm looking for is a place that has free/public (or low-cost) reports/census on various U.S. industries for a certain market, such as annual sales by year, sales trend charts for that market, sales projections, etc.

Kudos! :thumbsup:

Maybe this is more what you are looking for?

For example, here are the most recent data sets for retail trade and food services-

Monthly & Annual Retail Trade

You can drill down further by geo region also like this-


I'm not exactly sure what you are looking for though. If you can be a little more specific I can probably be of better help.
Thanks again man, that's a bit closer to what I meant. :)

Basically, I'm looking for reports on a particular market and its products. As an example, let's say I wanted to do market research on...the teeth whitening niche (not that I am).

If I was gonna get into this business, I would want to know:
- How much money do Americans spend on teeth whitening products each year?
- How has the trend and growth been for these products in recent years? Is there a steady growth - or a slow decline in this market?
- What are some projections of the teeth whitening niche? Is it expected to hit $X billion in revenue by the year 2013? Or perhaps regulations or whatever are starting to affect annual sales, as shown by census/report data?

I hope that makes sense..