Good plastic surgery affiliate program

Legally from my understanding you can't generate leads for anything medical. Dr's can lose their licenses for buying the leads as well. Do some research as I thought about this a few years ago.
I'm in a foreign plastic surgery affiliate program direct with the hospital that pays a $250+ conversion, bought a domain for the program and was going to run some traffic to it. In the end, I decided not to because there's no network or conversion tracking - just the honor system. I had no confidence they would pay me.

What would you do? Seriously.
I'm in a foreign plastic surgery affiliate program direct with the hospital that pays a $250+ conversion, bought a domain for the program and was going to run some traffic to it. In the end, I decided not to because there's no network or conversion tracking - just the honor system. I had no confidence they would pay me.

What would you do? Seriously.

Probably a good idea to stay away
Doctors can actually pay per lead and so can attorneys. However, it is actually "pay per contact" now. This argument has gone on forever, but your not sending them a referral. (which means your compensated if they do biz) You are in fact sending them a contact (paid regardless of they do biz) and you see yourself as a direct extension of Google or a co-marketer of their firm/practice.

One company that is doing this and is in the Inc. 500 is one called Total Attorneys. They sell per contact Bankruptcy leads to attorneys for $50/each.

One of their founders name is Kevin Chern. His company was catching some flack because some attorney filed a class action lawsuit against them saying they were sending attorneys "referrals" however he details how the biz works here. Read the comment section where he defends how his company works. (Look for his name) Legal Blog Watch

Understanding this will help you bypass all the legal b.s. that has been in marketplace.

As far as getting leads for plastic surgeons, I did this using Facebook. I pretty much copied Shoemoney local affiliate post and it came out good, To test it I offered a "Free Botox" (Shoemoney offered free teeth whitening) and received 9 leads in about 4 days at an avg. cost per lead of like $3

I than approached a docotr and told him what I could do and this is what I found out.

-Dr. could not offer anything for free because of the organization he belonged to didn't allow it. (A way to uphold price/quality in the mkt place)

-Dr. would have to see if clients came back after 6 months (thats how long Botox lasts) So for 6 months he would have to shell out money for my lead price, cost to inject Botox, & his time. Than wait to see his ROI.

-Customer life time value is important but tough to detail considering they have no idea about the avg. cost per lead and customer. PHD but no biz sense.

From my insight. There is just something about offering things for "Free" that brings that certain type of client in the door. The client you don't want.

Fun Fact:
My highest CTR Facebook headline was "New Year, New You."
My highest CTR Facebook picture was a before/after of Botox.

Maybe you may have better luck. Hope you do.

(my bad on the spelling)
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Smax, what about denists? Hmm thats interesting... how does that fit in with all the local ppc firms with doctors as clients?
i've done CPA work on the agency side direct with MHR, Medical Hair Replacement. I've also seen them running on some affiliate networks, but it doesn't look like have any affiliate offers up currently. anyway their tracking sucked, lead sheets never matched up so i would advise staying away from any MHR offers that might pop back up.

It looks like Bosley has a direct CPA deal with a company,

You can run medical leads, but HIPPA Compliance is a concern.
My advice would to just target one niche and learn it inside and out. The guy who runs Total Attorneys father was an attorney. Now I believe it's above 27mill+ annual earnings.

It doesn't have to be a large one. Once you nail it you can scale.
There are a ton of legal loopholes that you will have to get through for both law and medical leads. The problem with legal leads is that most BAR's have their own lead programs which the lawyers go through and they also have employees who generate leads. The same with medical except for there are even more legal loopholes you have to get through and even then your website has to be compliant in so many ways it really isn't worth it in the end for most.
the best way to get medical or legal is to go direct. Tracking might suck at first, but payouts can be 5x the normal rebill. Volume on the other hand might be a problem.
Also I just did some research on TotalAttorneys and it seems the only way he is getting away with it is because he himself is "sponsoring" every ad since he is a lawyer licensed in his geographic area he is targeting. The company has a lawyer "sponsoring" the ad for every area that they are trying to get leads from and if he wasn't a licensed lawyer he would have just lost a case that was overturned based solely on the fact that he was a lawyer himself.
The attorneys sign an exclusive agreement for a geo-specific area. This way TotalAttorneys avoids any claims of discretion. The whole thing is detailed in Kevin Cherns comment on the link I posted.

Total Attorneys is battling one state at a time (opening the way for affiliates) at a monthly retainer of 100k. I have been following the story for awhile because I wanted to get into Vet benefits.

There is def. a large opportunity because these guys throw money at the SEO/SEM guys and have no idea what they are getting. Total Attorneys is killing it because they are so high in the SERP for "bankruptcy." The so-called high barrier of entry is slowly diminshing because the BAR rules are outdated. Below is how he details his service as an extension of Google

• Google does in fact pick which websites appear in response to consumerss searches, both in paid and natural search rankings. Although Google is not transparent in the way it displays ads, as we are, Google does base the paid results, at least in part, on which attorney ad will get clicked on the most and generate the most ad revenue for Google.

• Google has rules regulating the content of ads, but does nothing to insure that attorneys are not running afoul of attorney advertising rules. Total Attorneys, however, follows all ethics rules in its ad content. I cannot say the same for every lawyer who advertises through Google.

• Google has a URL at Google. We have a website at Bankruptcy Laws & Talk to a Bankruptcy Lawyer for Free ~ 877-349-1309.

• Google charges a lawyer each time a consumer from a particular geography clicks on an ad. We charge a lawyer each time a consumer from a particular geography clicks on an ad and fills out a form.

• Google does not recommend any lawyer over another. Neither do we. A consumer who enters an attorney's website through Google has the option of reviewing material on the website and hitting back to view the next website presented in the Google Search results. A consumer entering Bankruptcy Laws & Talk to a Bankruptcy Lawyer for Free ~ 877-349-1309 can hit the back button as well and go to another advertising site.
Legally from my understanding you can't generate leads for anything medical. Dr's can lose their licenses for buying the leads as well. Do some research as I thought about this a few years ago.

Listen to what Smax is saying. My uncle is a doctor and is in prison for 3 years because of this. He was buying leads and got pwnt by the SWAT. Stay far away from it. What you can do is create a lead generation website and sell it to them for $3,500+. It's a plastic surgeon so that's like peasant change for them.