Good night sweet planet...GTFIH PapaJohn


Rape and Pillage Canada!
Dec 24, 2008
Las Vegas
World's most powerful laser to tear apart the vacuum of space

A laser powerful enough to tear apart the fabric of space could be built in Britain as part major new scientific project that aims to answer some of the most fundamental questions about our universe. Due to follow in the footsteps of the Large Hadron Collider, the latest "big science" experiment being proposed by physicists will see the world's most powerful laser being constructed. Capable of producing a beam of light so intense that it would be equivalent to the power received by the Earth from the sun focused onto a speck smaller than a tip of a pin, scientists claim it could allow them boil the very fabric of space – the vacuum. Contrary to popular belief, a vacuum is not devoid of material but in fact fizzles with tiny mysterious particles that pop in and out of existence, but at speeds so fast that no one has been able to prove they exist. The Extreme Light Infrastructure Ultra-High Field Facility would produce a laser so intense that scientists say it would allow them to reveal these particles for the first time by pulling this vacuum "fabric" apart. They also believe it could even allow them to prove whether extra-dimensions exist.

"This laser will be 200 times more powerful than the most powerful lasers that currently exist," said Professor John Collier, a scientific leader for the ELI project and director of the Central Laser Facility at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Didcot, Oxfordshire. "At this kind of intensity we start to get into unexplored territory as it is an area of physics that we have never been before."

World's most powerful laser to tear apart the vacuum of space - Telegraph

Are we gonna die? Are we going to open up a dimensional rift that will allow 9ft aliens that look like John Travolta in that will enslave the human race? WHAT IS THIS TOM FOOLERY?

Got my Swiss Army knife on the ready!

Wouldn't that be fucked if something like that is how human civilization ended? Some scientist accidentally creates a black hole or something, and it just sucks everything in. What a shitty ending that would be...
this is also assuming that those particles will react to this, which the theory says yes but that's what the experiment is for.

"speeds so fast that no one has been able to prove they exist." - that's the thing. long time ago they thought it was the Ether, now it's this. still yet to be proven.
Got my Swiss Army knife on the ready!

Wouldn't that be fucked if something like that is how human civilization ended? Some scientist accidentally creates a black hole or something, and it just sucks everything in. What a shitty ending that would be...

the odds of that are 1:999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999^999999999999999999999

it really can't happen from this
So you're saying there's a chance.


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I knew those Brits would fuck us all up at one point.

Bad Food + Ugly Chicks + Horrible Weather = Fuck that shit, I'm destroying humanity with my lasers yeaahhhh
