Good Domains Now Scarce? - Inc Magazine

A blog was generally something you did in the bathroom, wasn't it?

The thing doesn't surprise me. About 2-3 years ago, one of the larger, douchier holding companies went rabid and started buying them up like wildfire.
As for words, this is only for the English language market. Considering that the English market is pretty much at saturation point for internet uptake, there are still plenty of great domains out there for people that are fluent in Spanish, Indian, Chinese, and maybe a cyrillic language like Russian.
....interesting article here

Good Domain Names Grow Scarce, Domain Name Registration Article - Inc. Article

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...Don't really buy the major premise that "there are no more good domain names" because the article assumes that the English Language is static (what did blog or twitter mean just 10 years ago to the average person?)

....But, it's a good way to have potential buyers see the value of scarce assets.....

Maybe I'm reading this wrong, but I'd like to know what the 28,000 dictionary words are that are available.
That's a great question...

...And perhaps an even greater article.

In my study of domains, I've found that the name is perhaps the greatest determining factor when it comes to any potential partner choosing one domain over another.

Now, that may not always hold true. And in some cases, it most certainly does not.

Much of the success of your domain comes from your ability to drive traffic to your website. Obviously, if you can drive traffic to your website, you will increase the number of visitors and thus increase your odds of capturing anyone's names and emails.

Fatbat hit the nail on the head when he mentioned the fact that the domain twitter is a completely made up word. So there in lies a flaw to the article stating that perhaps there could be a shortage of good words for domains.

Essentially, you can use any type of domain name you want, and if you create a new product, odds are, you're going to name it, and thus you can name it anything you want. I.E. Twitter

So, mostly all of your success, is again dependent upon your ability to drive good, quality traffic to your website. There are many determining factors beyond driving traffic to your website. Marketing is just a portion of the time you'll have to spend creating a successful internet business.

You are looking at several factors that go from web design, to sales. And everything in between! Now, I know about this cool free report (which you can get here:) MaxPro System :: Secret Money Making System Puts $24,121.50 Per Week In Your Po... that talks about three of the biggest factors between success and failure.

But either way, it's a free report for you, or anybody reading this to check out.

I'll be back on here tomorrow afternoon eastern standard time!

Until tomorrow,

wow, i am thinking if the goos domain names are Scarce, then we could just work with the not so good one and make it a better one
what do u think ??
a newbie question --google didn't see much difference abt the diffrent domain names?
correct me if i am wrong
Good domain names are definitely not scarce. What's Scarce is a great product/service.
Think of a great idea and turn it into a product/service and congratulations! You've just picked a winning domain name.

Good article though. I see where they're coming from. It sucks if you're an affiliate trying to market an existing product/service with your own website.

You may not always be a winner, but second and third get trophies too!
Eventually the new tld's will gain acceptance and become mainstream, but .com will always be king. Hold em if ya got em.
I have a wanted list of about 50 now. Just deciding what to pull the trigger on.

O r just say fuck it and buy em all.
I have a wanted list of about 50 now. Just deciding what to pull the trigger on.

O r just say fuck it and buy em all.

why are you buying? a very sage, experienced domain investor said long ago,

1) don't buy domains unless you have a buyer in mind
2) don't buy domains unless you know before hand how to monetize them....

so I guess if you have answered either of those you should go for it - if not, then...
It deosn;'t matter if u get a good domain or not, cauz there is no standard to tell which are good and what are bad. SO, just make ut easy and simple, the next step is to work on it, make it a great one.
Yeah there are still a lot of good domains available. All you need to do is attach power words to the end of your main idea. E.G. could be, or, or to mention if you want to use all of the other domain types like .net, .org, .info.....if you use those, personally I shy away from them though. Interesting article yes, but I bet I can come up with tons of dynomite domain names when I need to.