Good directory script?

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
I recently picked up a domain in a niche where I think I could create a profitable directory, but I don't really know much about directory software.

Two questions:

1) I like the look of this: Anyone have a clue what they're using?

2) What directory scripts would you recommend? I don't mind paying. I know about phpdirectory, but it just doesn't have the look and feel that I'm looking for.


I just bought esyndicat. Their version 2.0 is being released in about 24 hours time. About $150 for an unlimited domain license. Bargain.
Jon12345 said:
I just bought esyndicat. Their version 2.0 is being released in about 24 hours time. About $150 for an unlimited domain license. Bargain.

lol, considering phpLD is only $20 :p
esyndicat is a pain in the arse to submit sites to, u have to browse to the category then press submit on some of the sites I have seen. Is there an option to overwrite that?
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