Good/Best Affiliate Program?

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New member
Jun 25, 2006
I'm going to be making a site that is based around affiliates. I was wondering what the best program is to sign up for? Or do I have to go to each individual vendor and see if they have any programs?

All I've really heard of so far is CJ. I remember seeing a post on SP (or atleast I think it was SP) along time ago about a guy earning a ass load of cash from it. Is CJ one of the best? Or is there better?

Thank your for your time.

I was with CJ for months and earned shit! I was with Azoogle for a couple weeks and am earning Money.

In fact CJ just dumped me for im guessing not making enough conversions

Plus Azoogle will assign you a rep that will help yah whenever you need it, at least mine has been there for me and believe me Ive asked him some dumb questions!

Kudos to you Yuli!
"I'm going to be making a site that is based around affiliates."

The "best" program is defined partly by what your site is about and what your visitors would be interested in. If your site is about sports, mortgage loans may not do that great. Plus everyone's definition of "best" is different.

CJ is an affiliate network. Azoogle is a CPA network. They are slightly different animals.

Some of the highest paying affiliate programs are in the financial sector: insurance, loans, credit cards. These are also very competitive markets.

What niche is your site in? If you care to share then maybe we can give you some recommendations that are a more direct fit for your market.
I'm in all the above mentioned 5star and in San Diego as well. Do you have a suggestion for financial? Right now I'm using CJ.
Sometimes you can use those affiliate programs for different reasons as well:

At the moment I am using CJ for finding profitable niches and next use only Adsense ads on my new niche sites. In that case CJ works as an information source for me! :)
I'm going to be making a site that is based around affiliates. I was wondering what the best program is to sign up for? Or do I have to go to each individual vendor and see if they have any programs?

All I've really heard of so far is CJ. I remember seeing a post on SP (or atleast I think it was SP) along time ago about a guy earning a ass load of cash from it. Is CJ one of the best? Or is there better?

Thank your for your time.

You should first have the right mindset.. build a site around perfect customer/visitor (25-45 age, have credit card, have passionate interest, not a web savy.. "i will click every blue link :D ")

Tell me if I'm wrong
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