Gone Too Far?


New member
Nov 5, 2006
What kind of pranks have you done to your girlfriend/wife?
(and did ya pay later?)

This guy probably went to far...


I'm pretty sure this is fake. I remember reading this identical story on gotfrag about 2 years ago. The poster said he found it on some humor site.
We were putting up the Christmas tree two or three years ago. The dog had a furry toy squirrel. When the wife left the room I put it in the tree. When she came back she went over to the tree, saw the squirrel and screamed.

It was kinda funny.
I'm not really that imaginative. I find that just jumping around the corner when my husband doesn't know I'm there and screaming BOO!!!! works well enough for practical jokes. He says "Ahh." and I know I really got him. (He's very stoic)