Going Direct - Questions


#1 Handegg Hater
Sep 30, 2007
There might be threads on this but I'll post anyway for my situation.

Basically I was running an offer through a network I thought got it direct. Turns out they didn't and it capped pretty quick. The company which have it direct are running this internally and aren't taking on affiliates. They are promoting this at the same place I was.

The only option is to go straight to the advertiser. I've never done this before, so any tips on who to talk to, what to say etc would be appreciated. Anything to add on tracking, contracts required or general info would be great.

Also - I can't contact normal CPA networks I work with to bring this in. It's an untapped market and as an affiliate you will see the potential instantly and saturate the fuck outta it. It's not the 'next big thing' but a nice little money maker.


Just make sure you go through the contract and beat them up for the best payment terms you can get. It's basically the same as running through a network, except that there is usually terrible customer service, really long payment terms, and retarded reporting systems.
Depending on your volume, and the type of offer, you may be able to negotiate pre-payment for the leads.
sign an io, get credit references, place a pixel. i doubt you'll get prepaid, unless youre sending massive amounts of traffic like compound said. if you know your traffic is good you can tell them what network you're running it from and give them your pub id. you'll probably be looking at net30 or 45.
Just make sure you go through the contract and beat them up for the best payment terms you can get. It's basically the same as running through a network, except that there is usually terrible customer service, really long payment terms, and retarded reporting systems.
If it's anything in financial lead gen (insurance,debt,cash advance,mortgage etc.) I can help you out.
most likely if that network is filling all the cap there will be no reason to work with an affiliate separately. My experience is 95% of advertisers don't want to work with affiliates direct. That's why they work with networks. They focus on their core business and let the networks deal with affiliate acquisition, fraud, paying, etc etc.

Give it a try and like someone said make sure you get super tight payment terms if you do. A lot of shady advertisers around that don't pay their bills.
I appreciate the replies. Tight contracts and payment terms. I'll be calling them tomorrow hopefully we can get something going.

most likely if that network is filling all the cap there will be no reason to work with an affiliate separately.

I don't think they are filling the cap. One of the reasons being they gave leads to the network I was working with originally. Why wouldn't they just run this internally and not lose $ on margin? They also ran this on facebook where I was running it too. They had piss poor ads (which I also tested - shitty) which were showing certain hours during the day. I'm guessing these are the times they are profitable. Same hours every day.

My experience is 95% of advertisers don't want to work with affiliates direct. That's why they work with networks. They focus on their core business and let the networks deal with affiliate acquisition, fraud, paying, etc etc.

The people who have it direct don't have affiliates, they run everything internally. I guess it's still a network. So the main problem I face is getting the advertiser to switch to me.