Godaddy Shared Hosting - Point domain from namecheap to sub folder


Living The Dream
Oct 27, 2009
Ok, I've got all of my domains currently with Godaddy. Their private domain registration is starting to add up. I took a look at Namecheap and it looks like private registration is included with new domains.

Now here's my question. If I get a domain from Namecheap, can I point it over to my Godaddy hosting account? I mean, I know I can point it over to my main site there, I just don't know if I can point it to a sub folder where all my other hosted domains are. Please let me know if I can clarify. I tried searching on Google and here but couldn't turn anything up.


Not sure what you mean by sub-folder?? ..but yes you can buy from NameCheap and host with GoDaddy.
If you mean subdomains or addon domains, then yes, you should be able to host all your sites on Godaddy but have them at Namecheap. You will just need to change your nameservers at Namecheap of course but I don't see why there would be a problem.
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If you mean subdomains or addon domains, then yes, you should be able to host all your sites on Godaddy but have them at Namecheap. You will just need to change your nameservers at Namecheap of course but I don't see why there would be a problem.

Thanks guys for responding.

Yes, I think it would be called an addon domain. I originally only had one website setup for my "main" Godaddy shared hosting account. I then found out you could host multiple websites from only one shared hosting account. I then proceeded to create a folder on Godaddy called "sites". This folder houses ALL of my other websites. I thought if I changed the nameserver to Godaddy, it would just pull up my main website. You follow?
I have multiple sites hosted under one account at GoDaddy. I am new and it took me some time on the phone with them to get the kinks worked out, but if you call them they will help. Hold times are not long and most of the tech support guys know what they are doing.
I've done this exact thing in the past. You need to do the following:

1.) Log in to GoDaddy - go to your account page and look for the "Off site DNS" on the bottom left.

2.) Add the offsite domains. Wait (up to) 30 min and then check back and note the name servers.

3.) At enter the name servers for the domain(s).

4.) Back at GoDaddy you need to determine the IP of your host. You may have to call support for this. If you have an existing site you can just ping it.

5.) Create an A Name record for your site - enter the IP and @ for the server name

6.) Create a CNAME record for your site for subdomain (ie - you may also want to create a CNAME record for the www extension - ie,

7.) Add the domain to your hosting account.

8.) Create the subdomain for the domain in your hosting account.

9.) Install apps, etc, on subdomain

There might be a step missing in this process - but that's the lion's share of it.