Godaddy, eat a dick.


New member
Mar 21, 2007
Estados Unidos
I back-ordered a .com domain because some client's dumbass competition let it expire (exact match for #1 locally targeted keyword in their industry) and kept his site on the .net version and renewed that domain only. Weird, I know. But anyway, so Godaddy automatically sends it to auction and places a bid for me so they can bring attention to the name and attempt to sell it for more. There is no way around this, so there's no point in having a back order process, except to take an extra $8 bucks from you. So I am on top until the last hour of the auction. Someone placed one weird bid to drive the price up near the end. Probably Godaddy themselves, but that is another story. So I outbid and win the domain. The name doesn't show up in my account for a week after that. In the mean time, they send me an email saying that my back order was unsuccessful and sorry, but I don't get the domain. Then I see the domain is in my account and eventually get an email congratulating me on winning the auction.

Those faggots do every fucking possible thing to get every last dollar out of you and can't even do it with any grace. Their customer service is worthless to boot. And their user interface is the least intuitive piece of shit on the Internet. It makes me sick how much worthless shit they try to sell you when you check out or renew.

I've gotten most of my names out of there, but it sucks anal secretions when the dropping name you want is with them and you want to scoop it up from them so it doesn't go back into the registry and lose its age.


My experience with TDNAM is rather positive.
I often scan the expiring domain lists and find some gems. Sometimes I am able to get them for the bare $10, I doubt there is a system of automatic bids in place.

I agree with you that their backorder is crap though. When there's a domain that expires and I really need it, a place backorders on SN/NJ/Pool. That's more secure :)
TDNAM is fine for finding some gems. I agree with that and I don't mind the auction process if I sign up for it, but if they are going to charge for backorders and no one else puts in a backorder for the domain, don't send it to auction. I was clearly the only person with a backorder because they put in the initial bid for me and I was the high bidder from the start.

I don't know about automatic bids, but it was somewhat fishy when the proxy bid had a max of $19 bucks. So I had to bid at least $5 more than the $15 bid that was made. If I bid $20, I win and put more money in their pocket. Any proxy bids or max bids I ever make are always a few bucks over an even number so when someone bids that amount, they see it's not enough and possibly give up. But why max bid $19 when you know that the next bid above your high bid has to be $20? Makes no sense. You might as well bid $15 bucks because the next bid would beat you either way.

I would have spent up to $500 or more on the domain, so I'm happy I got a bargain, but the process is clunky as shit and it's very annoying when they send me an email saying my backorder was unsuccessful right before processing the auction and putting the name in my account... a WEEK after the auction ends.

I went through their back-order process because the name was expiring with them and it's a lot easier when they already have control of the name. I notice that names I get from their auctions don't lose their age because they control them the whole time and the names never go back into the registry.
I have a few more domains left there and as soon as I get the opportunity I am moving those domains to namecheap. Godaddy sucks balls from experience. They constantly rip you off.
You're complaining about a $20 auction? ROFL

Try winning a dropped auction for $3,375 when you know for a fact the competing bids were auto placed by a script based on traffic and keyword bid data. Same .net .com deal you were referring to as well.

On the bright side the owners of the .net sent me an offer for $18,000, but I was nice enough to reject the offer.
GoDaddy's backorder system hasn't worked for years, so this should come as no surprise.

Very few registrars let a domain drop these days. Everyone other backorder system (NameJet, Snapnames, BuyDomains, etc.) is based on an auction system.

Everyone does upsells on checkout... don't you? That's business.

GoDaddy's customer support has always been very good to me. My account executive looks after everything for me: registering domains, renewals, cancellations, refunds, searches, etc. He calls me here in Spain if I ask him to and takes care of all my requests.

I think their control panel is superb.

I understand there are GoDaddy horror stories and they've made a few mistakes in the time I've used them, but so have other registrars I've dealt with.

That being said, I still plan on trying out namecheap to see what the differences are like.
Everything you said about Godaddy is dead-on: Retarded interface, retarded policies, retarded products, retarded prices. The thing that pisses me off more than any of that, though, is that faggot Bob Parsons and his blog. Every god damned time he's got that little "viewer discretion advised" thing in front of his blog link because he's a badass and is gonna say something "edgy" or show some brainless model in his video like it's gonna offend somebody, then below that he's got the testimonials from (fake) customers on what a smart and no-nonsense guy he is. Shameless. Clickbait and linkbait are one thing, but obviously he wants more than that, because...

None of that would be so bad if he didn't paste his charming mug on every single page and promotion on the site, complete with his dangling little earring. Dude thinks he's groovy or something. Reminds me of those 55-year-old guys who get Botox.


That's not even the dangling one, but it's out there, believe me.
I back-ordered a .com domain because some client's dumbass competition let it expire (exact match for #1 locally targeted keyword in their industry) and kept his site on the .net version and renewed that domain only. Weird, I know. But anyway, so Godaddy automatically sends it to auction and places a bid for me so they can bring attention to the name and attempt to sell it for more. There is no way around this, so there's no point in having a back order process, except to take an extra $8 bucks from you. So I am on top until the last hour of the auction. Someone placed one weird bid to drive the price up near the end. Probably Godaddy themselves, but that is another story. So I outbid and win the domain. The name doesn't show up in my account for a week after that. In the mean time, they send me an email saying that my back order was unsuccessful and sorry, but I don't get the domain. Then I see the domain is in my account and eventually get an email congratulating me on winning the auction.

Those faggots do every fucking possible thing to get every last dollar out of you and can't even do it with any grace. Their customer service is worthless to boot. And their user interface is the least intuitive piece of shit on the Internet. It makes me sick how much worthless shit they try to sell you when you check out or renew.

I've gotten most of my names out of there, but it sucks anal secretions when the dropping name you want is with them and you want to scoop it up from them so it doesn't go back into the registry and lose its age.


Didn't you know that godaddy automaticly place a bid why backordering if a domain is registered with them? It's all written out there. That's why backordering is pointless if the domain is registered with them. Thought, I can still uderstand your anger.