goDaddy accusing me of phishing, help!


New member
Hi Guys,

I have a site which has a registration form (see here the register link) and apparently goDaddy class this as phishing.

It is a registration form so will ask for an email, user and pass so people can log in? They wont accept that it isn't phishing and are threatening to suspend the email.

They won't tell me what exactly it is "phishing" for.

Has anybody else had trouble with them?

Seriously, do as they say then move your shit away from them. It's companies like them that are going to give the internet aids. They're a fucking registrar, not the fucking police. Cuntycuntcuntcunts.

They truly are one of the most awful companies on the planet. It'll be a glorious day when they go under... *crosses fingers and becomes religious*