Gmail requires SMS confirmation?

Magic Hat

Number 9
Nov 27, 2009
Pretty sure this is new. Not sure if it is done randomly or what, my apologies if you guys already know about it.

I tried to create a new Gmail account today, and got prompted with the following (tried a few times on different computers, ips, and changed my "profile" info on the signup screen a few times just to confirm), and it happened each time.


Anyway, I got a text a few mins later with the code, and was able to verify the account. My condolences to the "sell 1million gmail accounts" dudes.

It's only in some countries. I don't have to do it here. So I guess you could use a proxy in another country.
I've seen it do it if I make like 5+ gmail accounts in a day from the same IP. I've never seen it do it on a first attempt.
i've only had it happen to me a few times in the past few weeks, and it was only after i had created several gmail accounts from the same computer without using a proxy or switching IPs.