Globat's automatic upgrade

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New member
Mar 21, 2007
I finally fired off this email to Globat today after putting up with this shit for too long. Anybody know a host that doesn't pull shit like this? It seems like this should be illegal.....emailing you, telling you that if YOU DON'T opt out within 10 days, that must mean you want the upgrade and they charge your card. W.T.F.

My email:

Every 3 or 4 months you guys send out these emails, and I continually
manually opt out, choosing "I don't like promotions where I have to ask to opt-out."
and "NEVER". Yet you continue to send these emails to me anyway. This
is clear evidence that you guys don't listen to the customer. It's all about the
bottom line. I can't believe that it is legal for you to use this underhanded
marketing. Rest assured at my next renewal, I will be finding a new host.
I mean, it is bad enough that you actually do this, but what makes it WAY
WORSE is that AFTER I have told you I NEVER want to have to opt out,
you spam me again with the same threat.

"Many customers then suggested that we utilize an automatic upgrade process"
Hahahaha this has got to be the worst lie ever.

On 9/3/07, <> wrote:
> Dear [fucktard],
> We have some exiting news! Based on customer feedback and in-depth analysis of usage patterns, we've created a beefed-up new hosting package that's currently only available to selected customers like you.
> In 10 days from this date, we will be upgrading you to this exclusive new package, the TeraByte Ultra(tm), for the low one-time upgrade fee of $49.95. You'll get an enormous 50% more hosting space and 20% more transfer bandwidth.
> As the best Web hosting package ever available, you'll have:
> - 1.5 TB (1,500 GB) of Web Hosting Space – NEW: 50% more
> - 1.2 TB (1,200 GB) of Data Transfer Bandwidth – NEW: 20% more
> - 10 MySQL Databases – NEW: Over 233% more
> - Host Unlimited Additional Domains – NEW: The 10 domain limit is gone!
> - Create E-mail Addresses for your Primary Domain
> - 1-Year Money-Back Guarantee
> - Free 24/7/365 Phone and Chat Support
> - b2evolution 1-Click Installer – NEW: The best publishing and blogging platform at your fingertips!
> Of course, the features you're used to such as GloBlog(tm), the Globat Photo Gallery, and other 1-Click Installs will still be part of your improved hosting package. The TeraByte Ultra is an upgraded package designed to bring you more features and give you the best Web hosting package available anywhere. Click here to read more about the new TeraByte Ultra. (If the link doesn't work, please copy and paste Web Hosting - Affordable Web Hosting Company - Globat :: Home into your browser.)
> As your trusted host, we strive to provide current and relevant products and services to maximize your experience with us. It is our pleasure and honor to host and appreciate that you continue to give the opportunity to serve your Web hosting needs.
> Since we began our upgrade program, we have received lots of feedback from our customers who only heard about these upgrade promotions too late or through a friend. Many customers then suggested that we utilize an automatic upgrade process along with some form of an additional incentive to initiate these upgrades. Well, we have listened to your feedback and we are now acting on it!
> = = = Important: This Is an Automatic Upgrade = = =
> As one of our most valued customers and based on our customer feedback, we are absolutely certain that you want to take advantage of this opportunity. This is the largest and most feature-rich Web hosting package we've made available and we're sure you do not want to miss out.
> For that reason, we will automatically upgrade your current hosting package to the TeraByte Ultra and charge the $49.95 one-time upgrade fee to your account on file on Thursday, September 13, 2007
> , unless you specifically tell us not to upgrade you by clicking on the link at the end of this e-mail.
> Last but not least, your upgraded account will also qualify for 3 free months of hosting once the upgrade is complete and you are fully satisfied with it. I know that this sounds too good to pass up, but if you for any reason do NOT wish to take advantage of this incredible upgrade promotion, you will need to tell us so by clicking on the link at the end of this e-mail.
> = = = TeraByte Ultra – Bigger and Better than Ever = = =
> Our customers told us they wanted more space. Done. You wanted more transfer. Done. In addition, you wanted to be able to take full advantage of your space and transfer by hosting as many different sites as you want. Well, that's done too. They TeraByte Ultra was created to give you everything you wanted.
> If you are still not convinced that this is a tremendous opportunity and you are positive that you do not want to participate, you need to tell us not to upgrade your account by clicking on the link below. (If you do not click this link, your account will automatically be upgraded and you will be charged the $49.95 one-time upgrade fee.):
> NO, I DO NOT WANT this upgrade and hereby decline my 3 free months (click below):
> (If link does not work, please copy and paste the entire link into your browser.)
> Thank you for your continued trust! If you have any additional questions about this new package, please contact us anytime at, or call us at 1-877-245-6228.
> Best regards,
> Edward Gaa
> Vice President of Sales & Marketing
> (877) 245-6228 for US Customers
> (323) 874-9000 for International Customers

the "Never spam me again" that they didn't consider might be a bug, maybe...I said might...but it's probably just a marketing tactic

before you leave, make sure you fill those 1500 GB with any kind of crap until your account expires
send a complaint to visa and mastercard. I did. Visa got back to me, they said the company has been getting a lot of complaints lately. The guy also said if they receive too many more they'll get their merchant account banned, meaning they can no longer accept credit cards :)
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