Glad I found WF!

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New member
Apr 7, 2008
Hello All!

I am currently on day six of self employed life after leaving a stressful e-Sales role in the corporate world, I have been reading these forums for the past month and as advised I have been doing plenty of reading before I made my first post.

I have really enjoyed some of the posts; in particular:
99.99% of people will never take action. It’s a proven fact. I bet 99.9% of the forum users here have ebooks they have downloaded that they haven’t even read yet. It’s just the way we are built. We scramble and want to move on to the next thing. For that 0.01% that does take action, good for them. There’s plenty of room.

I think this applies not just to online activity, but generally. How many people do you know who have business ideas and never follow them through, often they blame it on ‘not enough money to start up’ and keep hoping for a lottery win. But if they really required funding and created a decent business case, they most probably would be able to gain the funding. I often think its just simple lack of focus and commitment.

I also found this quote by Aaron Wall quite encouraging:
If you keep reaching out to people you will be successful. It might take 3 months. It might take 5 years. But eventually it will happen.

I agree with Jon’s signature (after reading the WF Rules)

The harder I work, the luckier I get.”

It’s true; because I have been doing online related work/fun since I was 15, things now just seem to fall into place nicely. You do learn, you remember even if not consciously it ‘goes in’ and I now find my plans seem to surprisingly compliment each other without actually making a conscious effort to do so.

So, thanks for all the insightful reading I have had so far!

Now to business - Before I start following up leads for direct work from potential clients, I am keen to get a few niche sites developed. I have spent the last five days reading and creating content and I am now pulling together a word press website including the plug-ins advised here.

I am using a brand new domain and I am starting to look into promotion of my first niche site; I have seen the post by MDSandB ( I like the concept of this, but would prefer to be selective and control directory submissions for my back links, I maybe over concerned here. But I like the idea/service of paying for a blog write-up.

I am considering submitting a press release at PRWeb::The Online Visibility Company, as apparently they will do a good job of getting the press release on Google news and Yahoo News, although it looks quite an expensive option.

Does anyone have any recommendations of further people / organisations that would create a targeted blog post or provide coverage (links) on high traffic sites?

Thanks to these forums I have also been reading about Eli's Squirt tool - What a great concept! Does the 10 submission cap a day mean that some people here and/or Eli are creating up to ten sites a day? Good going if you are, you must understand the level of acceptable automation which still allows you to win!

I have noted that some members offer squirts and have been wondering what the general consensus is. As currently I am slightly reluctant, probably due to the amount of ‘white hat’ reading I have done. I maybe wrong, but isn’t it only a amount of time before the Search Engines work out what how it works and then tracks down all sites that have used it? - Please correct me if I am wrong as I would love to be!

I thought it would be best to leave out the swearing in this post, although I enjoy giving abuse to people who deserve it as much as anyone ;)


text link ads.
Honestly, if you're worried about something backfiring then just don't do it.
Thanks for the reply kofiannan, that's the phrase i was looking for to do further research.

Maybe my post was a little too long, heh was hoping for some good viewpoints. But your right, if I am worried then I shouldn't do something. But worry is only in existence until you seek advice or research further.
Thanks to these forums I have also been reading about Eli's Squirt tool - What a great concept! Does the 10 submission cap a day mean that some people here and/or Eli are creating up to ten sites a day? Good going if you are, you must understand the level of acceptable automation which still allows you to win!!

I have noted that some members offer squirts and have been wondering what the general consensus is. As currently I am slightly reluctant, probably due to the amount of ‘white hat’ reading I have done. I maybe wrong, but isn’t it only a amount of time before the Search Engines work out what how it works and then tracks down all sites that have used it? - Please correct me if I am wrong as I would love to be!

The quota has increased to 15 per day and while I'm sure some guys are using them all for new sites it is suggested to submit sites more than once in their lifetime (there's a guideline on the squirt forum - something like after a couple of weeks, then a month, 3 months, 6 months....).

I find I'm submitting 100+ at a time (there's a queue system), then nothing for weeks - but then I can be pretty haphazard in my site building.

I've just let my membership lapse due to paypal problems (reminded me, need to sort that!) but my personal view is that the squirt tool alone probably isn't worth it, but loads of databases, other tools and a great little community make it worth joining.

If you're just looking to squirt a few sites, I'd be happy to do that once I've sorted my subscription or you'll prob find others here that can submit for ya.

Ya might get a bit of flaming for missing for starting your own intro thread, but you seen more clued up than the average newcomer, so welcome to WF. (Just lose the double line breaks between paragraphs!)
Thanks for getting in contact MDSandB.

LazyHippy - Thank you for the offer to submit to squirt, please let me know when your back up and running. Also very useful info on the tool - Thanks. Submitting 100+ at a time, hehe good on ya chap! I obviously have allot to learn before I get to that stage, or do you submit deep-links from within your sites?

As I said in my previous post, I come from a sales background, hence introductions being common place. We all are different and maybe I read the audience wrong, was mainly summarising what I have found useful for other Newbs to read.

Double Line spacing, lol, the post had to be approved and didn't notice it until it was too late. Then couldn't find a edit post button!
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