Give me your dating affiliate link...

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New member
Feb 2, 2008
South Dakota
Because I have a female facebook profile with with a bunch of desperate dudes wanting to talk to me. I will use your link on the profile, if it converts you keep it all. I just want to see if its worth while!


It's a profitable venture, tried and true.

Why don't you spend the 10 seconds making your own affiliate link and playing around with it yourself?
Would this technique be OK with the networks, or will it get you a ban?

I know COPEAC's code of conduct explicitly forbids Facebook advertising, but I don't know about the other networks.
Would this technique be OK with the networks, or will it get you a ban?

I know COPEAC's code of conduct explicitly forbids Facebook advertising, but I don't know about the other networks.

Well THAT'S the reason he wants to try it out with someone else's account.
It's very smart. and it's done I think quite often, in adwords.

You buy the same keywords that your competitors are buying (by looking at spyfu or keycompete) and then you point it to them to find out their conversion rate (or I guess at least their click-through rate)

Then you can get your competitors affiliate link and find out their conversion rate.

But what dschus is doing is Genius (the profile thing he'll be emailing all these users... GENIUS! :338:
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