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Dec 22, 2009
Albany Plantation
I was browsing through some videos of Stefan Molyneux on YouTube and came across this video of Karen Straughan (GirlWritesWhat).

[ame=""]Men not marrying? How deep does "the problem" go? - YouTube[/ame]

I thought it will be some typical nonsense but was surprised with the intelligence of this woman and the way she approached topic(s).

She's apparently a part of Men Rights Movement. While I thought men's rights were bs for skinny pseudo-intellectuals victimized during the divorce her videos completely changed my mind and let me see things from totally different perspective.

Any of you ever reserched these topics and could recommend some reading (or further videos)?

You thoughts on mens rights?

I dedicate this thread to Faceblogger.


Hobama approves.
She hits on some really good stuff here.

At 15:40, she brings up something I've been talking about for years now. On TV comedy shows, every male character is a bumbling idiot married to a smart, sexy woman who puts up with him. After seeing one after another, you can't help but think there's an agenda here.

Glad to know I'm not the only one who sees this brainwashing going on.

She also brings up man's changing role in the workplace and how women, who want to feel comfortable, demanded the men assimilate to their ways instead of women dealing with the fact that they are working in a man's environment. The company buckles under pressure of being sued and the result of this is of course men not acting like men anymore in the office setting.

This is the fucked up society we live in now thanks to the politically correct fuckheads who allowed women to make these changes.

Anyhow, this is really good stuff that you guys should check out.
At 15:40, she brings up something I've been talking about for years now. On TV comedy shows, every male character is a bumbling idiot married to a smart, sexy woman who puts up with him. After seeing one after another, you can't help but think there's an agenda here.

Glad to know I'm not the only one who sees this brainwashing going on.

Sometimes I can't remember what I wrote a week ago, but I seemed to remember saying something about this before on here. By searching for "Honeymooners" I was able to find it and it was actually in response to you. :cool:

"Stand up comedy and comedic acting roles have always been primarily the territory of males, and a large percent of comedy involves acting like a doofus. Charlie Chaplin was doing this in silent films and then there was the likes of Laurel & Hardy and The Three Stooges.

The Honeymooners was in the 50s and many sitcoms since then have followed that pattern in at least some way, even animated shows like the Flintstones and Simpsons. Roseanne might have been the first to break out of the mold, though she wasn't stupid, but would burp and do other goofy stuff like that.

To further add to that - there was recently a thread on here where at least a few members made it clear that they find little or zero female stand-up comics to be funny, and of course there are a lot less females in that field that are successful.

Tim Allen, Kevin James, George Lopez, Ray Romano, and others found success with self-deprecating stand-up comedy and were given shows based in large part on that.

Jerry Seinfeld's act was more "intelligent" and that was transferred over to his sitcom role, but then of course Kramer was added as the "bumbling idiot." Would a female Kramer have been as likely to have been a hit with the public? I don't believe so, but I may be wrong.
Men on Strike: Why Men Are Boycotting Marriage, Fatherhood, and the American Dream - and Why It Matters by Helen Smith is the most recent book covering this. It's a good read and really breaks it all down.

Any red pillers in here? If you need a reason to get mad about this shit, take a look at current child support laws. Wife has an affair and has a kid with the other man, you find out two years later and want a divorce? You're paying child support for that kid. You have a live-in girlfriend who had a kid from a previous marriage, find out she's doing crack and kick her out? You're paying child support for that kid.
You have a live-in girlfriend who had a kid from a previous marriage, find out she's doing crack and kick her out? You're paying child support for that kid.

Say what?

How long do you have to be living with her for this to be legal? Or does it differ from state to state?
Say what?

How long do you have to be living with her for this to be legal? Or does it differ from state to state?
Generally speaking, you'd have to be living together for a while. Here's a lawyer talking a bit about how it works in Canada (via common law marriage) where this specific scenario is currently slightly worse for the men than in the United States: Step-Child Support: A Penalty for Kindness

Point is, men can be fucked into taking care of kids that aren't theirs.

To a lesser degree, you can get fucked into taking care of step-kids as well in about half of the US. Here are details:

In North Carolina (where I live), if you take what would be considered the role of the father (ie: live-in girlfriend with a kid), then you take on the legal responsibilities of the father even if it doesn't qualify under common law marriage. This includes child support.

This debacle is just one example of how men are getting totally fucked as a result of third wave feminism.
Point is, men can be fucked into taking care of kids that aren't theirs.

The way social system works in most of the countries men are fucked into taking care of kids they don't have. If you are a single male with no kids or even partner you provide for these kids through taxes. That is you are being punished for irresponsibility of some so called single mothers.

As GirlWritesWhat said, state takes over the functions previously being held by men. When you think about it however states need to get money from somewhere to be able to be a provider. This is no secret that men contribute more to the system having less benefits from it. So men sponsor the system which works hugely against them.

For me her videos are eye opener. Of course I was having my own opinions on these topic before but have never go that deep. But the biggest benefit I'm taking from those videos is to finally take my rights seriously. Before I was this "man up and shut the fuck up" guy, but this changes.

It is a masterpiece from women that they put all the pressure on men. They defined masculinity and most men apply to the model created by them.
Y'all are living in your own little worlds. If you are your own person, you are not anyone else's. Just don't give anything you can't afford to give, and, more important, don't create the expectation that you are going to give it.
I very much agree with this. I think the mistake feminism in the US took was when they decided "equal rights" wasn't enough, they wanted men to be more like women. I always thought it was crazy, almost as if they were fighting against basic concepts of nature and biology, trying to erase inherently male traits and instincts from the American man. I see how this made a lot of men angry, and another, younger generation just seems confused and broken by it.

I don't mean to make sweeping generalizations, every man is different but there has definitely been some backlash. They erased things that they probably didn't mean to, not an exact science I'm sure. They wanted guys to be sensitive, intuitive and non-aggressive (manageable?) but with that came a generation of men with less of a protective instinct less of a provider mindset. So lots of single moms. Lots of fatherless kids. Lots of victim mentality and helpless feelings. Again, not all men certainly and there is some blame on both sides but generally not a great idea to try to take the man out of the man.
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It's funny but I think that this was a big reason that Breaking Bad has been so popular. You have a guy that is living almost castrated on all sides by society who decides one day to make his own way as a man. Not saying he made great choices but I think there was a collective "Fuck yeah!" from men everywhere when he asked his wife to "climb out of my ass"
Wanting a female to act like a mile or vice versa is ignorance and against the gender nature of humans. Unfortunately this is where the feminism has come today.

Feminism is a first world problem. I'm glad this cancer is not present in most part of the world.

Inb4 TomaszjotsWife
The way social system works in most of the countries men are fucked into taking care of kids they don't have. If you are a single male with no kids or even partner you provide for these kids through taxes. That is you are being punished for irresponsibility of some so called single mothers.

As GirlWritesWhat said, state takes over the functions previously being held by men. When you think about it however states need to get money from somewhere to be able to be a provider. This is no secret that men contribute more to the system having less benefits from it. So men sponsor the system which works hugely against them.

For me her videos are eye opener. Of course I was having my own opinions on these topic before but have never go that deep. But the biggest benefit I'm taking from those videos is to finally take my rights seriously. Before I was this "man up and shut the fuck up" guy, but this changes.

It is a masterpiece from women that they put all the pressure on men. They defined masculinity and most men apply to the model created by them.

I'm impressed that there is an analytical mind behind tomaszjot lol.

You're quite right, the modern welfare states is screwing the average joe over massively.

In the scandinavian countries there have been several actual studies done on the economic burden of the sexes. In Denmark it was found that the average male contributes about $300,000 more in taxes during a lifetime than he receives back in services, while a female receives $400,000 more than she pays in during a lifetime.

Just to make it easy:

Man: +$300,000
Woman: -$400,000

Now, who cares right?

It is almost tyrranical and abhorrent to force a single man to pay for the offspring of others, it is in fact state mandatory cuckoldry. The single man is basically a slave to the femi-state, taxed to death so that single mothers can live a life of relative luxury.

I can go on and on about this, but I'll just say that every action has a reaction and that history shows us that the pendulum usually swings back. Once the average man realizes that he is beeing fleeced by the femi-state but doesn't get a famliy in return, then he will simply stop working or move to another country.

This kind of war against patriarchy however is just one part of the socialist-globalist movement and it would be unfair to blame women, they do have a problem of always seeing how far they can push things until someone (a man), says no.

The real bad guys are the leftists who've worked dilligently to destroy the family, the community and gender roles. This is no coincidence either. It is plainly written in sight in every early marxist writing. Feminism is pure marxism.

In any case, I find most of those MRA people to be whiners who have just a futile task for them as trying to vote the government smaller.