Girlies Getting Messed Up On Hydroxycut...

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Mar 9, 2009
Hydroxycut Recall: FDA Pulls It After Liver Damage Reports, Other Health Problems

WASHINGTON — Government health officials are announcing the recall of popular weight loss pill Hydroxycut, after reports of liver damage and other health problems.

Food and Drug Administration officials said Friday the manufacturer of Hydroxycut has launched a nationwide recall of the dietary supplement, used by people trying to shed pounds and by body builders to sharpen their muscles.

Hydroxycut is advertised as made from natural ingredients. It accounts for about 90 percent of the market for weight loss supplements, with sales of about 1 million bottles a year.

Dietary supplements are not as tightly regulated by the government as medications. Manufacturers don't need FDA approval ahead of time before marketing their products.
I know this isn't about any of our beloved berries but I can't help but wonder if the FDA is going to take a big old look at the diet supplement industry, particularly the more "questionable" parts of it....

doubt it was just the hydroxycut. it's basically just caffeine. they were probably taking it with prescription drugs, acetaminophen, etc. maybe if enough people take large amounts of the acai w/ green tea along with their pain killers...
Hello friends,

I sad now. Hydroxycut sell good with MarketHealth but now I do think it do anymore if kill people.

Good luck bros.
I know this isn't about any of our beloved berries but I can't help but wonder if the FDA is going to take a big old look at the diet supplement industry, particularly the more "questionable" parts of it....

Hydroxycut was available in stores as well (same as Acai Berry now).

This doesn't bode well for the supplement industry. I wouldn't be suprised in the long run to see the FDA push harder to regulate supplements.
It probably doesn't bode well, as I believe the current Hydroxycut is VERY wimped down from the old days. I took it like 12-13 years ago when it had better ingredients. The reality is it was not even "dangerous" then but some idiots including a couple higher profile people decided to abuse supplements and mix them with shit and it ruined it for normal people who follow recommended doses and that sort of thing. I remember when a lot of supplements were pretty awesome but these days I wouldn't be surprised if Flinstones vitamins endup being banned for either being dangerous or causing too much performance enhancement.

Shit is highly scrutinized and subjective. A thousand people can die from tylenol and no one cares, but one fat idiot misuses a particular supplement and it's all over.

Sorta like how 30,000 people die of seasonal influenza and no one notices, but 2 people get swine flu and a state shuts down.
Isn't hydroxycut just an ECA Stacker product? Ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin?

That will annihilate your liver if you overdo it. Especially when combined with some liver damaging birth control pills and monthly midol the bitches need to be taking.

I've written 400 articles about weight loss shit lol.
How to lose weight for fat assholes: RUN AROUND EVERYDAY.

But people are lazy and don't work for health.
How to lose weight for fat assholes: RUN AROUND EVERYDAY.

But people are lazy and don't work for health.

Actually, many studies have shown that exercise alone can have little to no effect on weight loss for those that are overweight and obese.

The first step is stopping the weight gain, which can be the hardest part. For many, their weight gain is due to factors that generally revolve around processed foods and simple carbohydrates: fast food, "white" foods (white rice, white flour based foods, etc.), high-sugar items like sodas, and most definitely high on the list: alcohol. Also, psychological factors come in to play, including physical and mental addictions ("cravings") to eating, specific "comfort" foods, and even to food in general.

Once the weight gain has stopped, daily dietary management and calorie reduction measures can be taken to start a slow weight loss, combined with beginning a light exercise program.

After this has proven effective, the exercise can gradually be increased to continue to assist weight loss down to the desired weight.

Your solution - "run around everyday" - is actually a terrible solution for someone who is overweight or obese. Not only will this be ineffective, they will quickly lose their motivation due to seeing little success, and very likely injure themselves.

Just FYI.
Yeah, or maybe I just prefer to actually be educated on a subject instead of spewing stuff on to a keyboard.

I find it extremely ironic coming on to WickedFire seeing people make comments about those that are overweight.

Not only am I sure that many of WickedFire's users are overweight themselves... many "entrepreneurs" on this forum would be working at a fucking Starbucks if it wasn't for overweight people and their desire to lose weight.
It probably doesn't bode well, as I believe the current Hydroxycut is VERY wimped down from the old days.

True, I took for about two months a few years ago and then tried it last year and basically since it was pulled the last time (because of ephedra). The stuff really gets you going, so I'm not surprised. Anyways for whatever it's worth, at least a few years ago the product actually worked, in less than 2 months I lost over 20 lbs. I couldn't stay on it longer than that.
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