Giant-ass hole in the ground in Siberia


do u even auto,m8?
Jul 11, 2009

New video of mysterious giant Siberian hole filmed by investigation team

inb4 Christians commit mass suicide cuz they think its the end of the world, but it isnt - and we have a much better planet cuz they're all dead.

That rock is clearly limestone and there's evidence of significant drainage runnels in the karstic appearance both at the surface and along the vertical planes that create the outer circumference of the hole.

IE, that shit's a sinkhole that the surrounding area has been draining into for a long time and eventually the weaker rock eroded away enough for it to collapse.

/amateur geologist hour
inb4 Christians commit mass suicide cuz they think its the end of the world, but it isnt - and we have a much better planet cuz they're all dead.

Dude I feel terribly sorry for you when you say ignorant things like this. You'll get far in life.
That rock is clearly limestone and there's evidence of significant drainage runnels in the karstic appearance both at the surface and along the vertical planes that create the outer circumference of the hole.

IE, that shit's a sinkhole that the surrounding area has been draining into for a long time and eventually the weaker rock eroded away enough for it to collapse.

/amateur geologist hour

They theorize a big explosion underground there - but have no reasonable clues as to when or why.

Dude I feel terribly sorry for you when you say ignorant things like this. You'll get far in life.

Go jump into that hole. Your invisible friend and I will laugh at you together after.

Except he's not real and I am - so it'll just be me laughing that another idiot has blessed us by freeing up oxygen he was consuming.
Go jump into that hole. Your invisible friend and I will laugh at you together after.

Except he's not real and I am - so it'll just be me laughing that another idiot has blessed us by freeing up oxygen he was consuming.
