Ghetto Capitalism

Mr Baconator

New member
May 27, 2011
[ame=""]213 and Ghost Define Ghetto Capitalism. - YouTube[/ame]

It's Capitalism at its best, baby!

the crying baby sound board + pissing off the radio host with ghetto logic = gold

Btw, the radio host (aka 'Ghost') gets trolled daily now. He has a part called 'radio graffiti' and pretty much he started getting flooded with trolls in like July, so some of the more popular videos can be found.

I listened to the whole thing and the last couple seconds where the best.

You are not a capitalist if you collect any money from the gov.

Ummm, don't most corporations and companies collect certain amounts in kickbacks. The whole point of the lobbyist is to get more money from the gov.

Dude was funny and he makes a valid point about the way the system is setup.

Everyone needs help from time to time. The system is setup to not let you get off the help but use it as a subsidy, there needs to be more rewards for working harder.

One example, with unemployment, once you get a job you lose those benefits. If you allowed people to still collect those under a program with a fulltime, job for say 2-3 months after they get that job it would give them a reason to look. When you add up the numbers to work vs getting unemployment it is better to collect. The cost of gas, daycare things like that.

Also with this program, redo the structure for collecting the unemployment.

Another is no help with child care. The amounts to get any help are so low, you are better off getting a $7 an hour job with 2 kids than a $12 an hour job with 2 kids. It is sad but true. In today's world it is sad for single parents or families where both parents work.