Getting your product on CPA sites


New member
May 3, 2011
So I've come up with an innovative product that I'm in the testing stages right now with. It's a super easy product and I'm surprised it hasn't been created already. It's also a product that I feel will probably get bought by a larger company. It's something that would be amazing for affiliate marketing programs. I contemplated submitting the idea to AsSeenOnTV but I'm skeptical because I know they'll likely steal the idea after reading their idea submission terms since there is no competition in this niche and there is no product out there like it. How can I get my product on OfferVault and backed by large affiliate marketing companies?

Like the Jamaican said call various affiliate companies and tell them you want them to list your offer.
So I've come up with an innovative product that I'm in the testing stages right now with. It's a super easy product and I'm surprised it hasn't been created already. It's also a product that I feel will probably get bought by a larger company. It's something that would be amazing for affiliate marketing programs. I contemplated submitting the idea to AsSeenOnTV but I'm skeptical because I know they'll likely steal the idea after reading their idea submission terms since there is no competition in this niche and there is no product out there like it. How can I get my product on OfferVault and backed by large affiliate marketing companies?
I would defintely NOT submit it to the "AsSeenOnTV" places, because those places certainly do steal ideas, and if they want to partner with you, then they're going to take an absurd share. Just call up the affiliate companies and tell them you have the offer. If you have the money, you'll be good.
I would defintely NOT submit it to the "AsSeenOnTV" places, because those places certainly do steal ideas, and if they want to partner with you, then they're going to take an absurd share. Just call up the affiliate companies and tell them you have the offer. If you have the money, you'll be good.

A company like isn't going to steal your idea. They are a web marketer like the rest of us. If you have a product, they will list it on their site and you'll pay them a commission on each sale they make. The rate varies, but its what you'd typically pay out to an affiliate network. In some cases they will buy the product wholesale from you, or times they will have you dropship.

The absurb share you're talking about, is when you license your idea over to a direct response marketing company. In this scenario you'll probably receive a 2-3% royalty on the gross sales. While that seems like they are ripping you off, they are the ones who are taking all of the risk.

They would pay for the product redesign if necessary, manufacturing, packaging, writing the TV spot, producing the TV spot, advertising the product, paying a call center, handling customer service and fulfillment and credit card processing, etc. Also, its important to realize that typically only 1 out of 15 or 20 products makes it. Most products are bombs and cost the marketer a ton of money.

In most cases handing the product over is the best choice for an inventor. What would you rather have? 3% of this year's breakout product being advertised nonstop on TV and that's in every Walmart and Target, or 100% of a pipedream that never gets off the ground.
Make sure you have enough cash to begin marketing your idea. If you're not established with the network, they'll want cash up front as a deposit.
Guess I'll have to write up a business plan and find some venture capitalists because I don't have much capital to work with.
A company like isn't going to steal your idea. They are a web marketer like the rest of us. If you have a product, they will list it on their site and you'll pay them a commission on each sale they make. The rate varies, but its what you'd typically pay out to an affiliate network. In some cases they will buy the product wholesale from you, or times they will have you dropship.

The absurb share you're talking about, is when you license your idea over to a direct response marketing company. In this scenario you'll probably receive a 2-3% royalty on the gross sales. While that seems like they are ripping you off, they are the ones who are taking all of the risk.

They would pay for the product redesign if necessary, manufacturing, packaging, writing the TV spot, producing the TV spot, advertising the product, paying a call center, handling customer service and fulfillment and credit card processing, etc. Also, its important to realize that typically only 1 out of 15 or 20 products makes it. Most products are bombs and cost the marketer a ton of money.

In most cases handing the product over is the best choice for an inventor. What would you rather have? 3% of this year's breakout product being advertised nonstop on TV and that's in every Walmart and Target, or 100% of a pipedream that never gets off the ground.

Guess I'll have to write up a business plan and find some venture capitalists because I don't really have much to work with. Your last sentence really gets me thinking though.
A company like isn't going to steal your idea. They are a web marketer like the rest of us. If you have a product, they will list it on their site and you'll pay them a commission on each sale they make. The rate varies, but its what you'd typically pay out to an affiliate network. In some cases they will buy the product wholesale from you, or times they will have you dropship.

The absurb share you're talking about, is when you license your idea over to a direct response marketing company. In this scenario you'll probably receive a 2-3% royalty on the gross sales. While that seems like they are ripping you off, they are the ones who are taking all of the risk.

They would pay for the product redesign if necessary, manufacturing, packaging, writing the TV spot, producing the TV spot, advertising the product, paying a call center, handling customer service and fulfillment and credit card processing, etc. Also, its important to realize that typically only 1 out of 15 or 20 products makes it. Most products are bombs and cost the marketer a ton of money.

In most cases handing the product over is the best choice for an inventor. What would you rather have? 3% of this year's breakout product being advertised nonstop on TV and that's in every Walmart and Target, or 100% of a pipedream that never gets off the ground.

Well, I stand completely corrected and appreciate the knowledge you've just given me. Thanks.
If anyone ever needs an intro to please let me know. I'd be happy to get your product on there.

What kind of connection do you have? This product would fuckin' kill it if it got picked up by a bigger company like AsSeenOnTV.

I'll bet getting thru to asseenontv would be hard to get thru and won't talk to uyou without an agent and a NDA.

They won't sign NDA's from what I can see on their website.