Getting up to speed on CPM?


New member
Mar 6, 2007
It's certainly been quite a while since I've been back on this site - let alone dabbling in online ventures again... My background has been in SEO and PPC in the past but I recently picked up a new pet project that I want to do some CPM revenue work with.

My challenge is that, after some searching online, I still can't seem to find the right information/answers to get myself caught up to speed on the CPM industry. Note: The last time I looked poked around CPM was well over 7 years and from what I've gathered, A LOT has changed...


  1. Are websites allowed to simultaneously run banner ads from more than 1 CPM network? (not via rotation, but with the use of multiple banners)
  2. Any suggestions for reputable CPM networks that have good fill & CPM rates for sites with say, 50k-250k visitors per month? There seems to be a plethora of CPM network lists available through Google but they all have the same rehashed/generic content...
  3. I noticed some networks require a ad server within the publisher application, is this standard now?
  4. Is there a timeframe standard for providing historical traffic records during publisher applications?
I'm sure some other questions might come up along the way while I work through the strategy planning of the site but feel free to add anything else that I (or anyone new to CPM) should keep in mind when getting started.

Sorry if this post comes off a bit too newb, I wasn't sure where else to find reliable answers... thanks in advance!

hey, i work for a network. I can tell you, that you are allowed to run CPMs from different networks... but 50-250k per month is quite low for cpm. 250k a day is minimum