Getting through Yahoo answers 999 error?

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New member
May 13, 2008
I'm trying to post to yahoo answers but I keep getting this error 999 whenever I post

Anyone know how to get through this. I tried posting through a proxy but it's not working right and all the adbrite ads are getting fucking annoying


Fucking weird I can post to yahoo answers, but when I put the link I was posting I get this error.

Does Yahoo blacklist websites or some shit?
Anyone else get this error?
Error 999 means too many requests from the same IP- you've been spamming Answers too much :) Get better proxies or wait 24 hours and try again.
Anyone know any good proxies that work with yahoo answers?

It can also mean you are posting the same URL too many times. That error pisses me the fuck off.
Me too bro.
I could post a link to one of my other sites, but when I tired to post the other one it wouldn't work.

Pisses me right off.

I have found that when you do an advanced search and start posting is when you are most likely to get the error.

I can post all day if i'm constantly refreshing or looking for questions that match my posting criteria, but the second I start doing advanced search for my terms I only get like 4-5 posts out before I get this error

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