Getting started with facebook ads


Oct 26, 2011
I've been thinking about getting my feet wet with facebook advertising. I have a small war chest ($1K) to get me started and hopefully I can learn the ropes with this.

I have a little experience with setting up blog websites that have been able to generate some revenue via adsense, but I hate hate hate seo and living and dieing by google. (Couple of my sites got slapped recently.)

So how does this process work? Should my ads be direct links to the offers I'm trying to promote? Or should I create a landing page?

I've heard of some people just using ads on facebook as a way of building up lists. How viable is this method?

Sorry if a lot of this is just a rehash of a rehash. I'm just trying to learn the game. Once I become mega-rich, hookers and blow for everyone.

Facebook Ads will work best for people, businesses and affiliates who have a good converting offer, whether it is Google Ads or is already working on your website where you already have some traffic and SEO strategies in place, and know that your website converts visitors into buyers.

If you have a website that is converting visitors into buyers and your issue is that you just need more traffic, Facebook Ads are a great solution for you. You can split test and test different ad copies to get a lot of targeted traffic to your website.

The problems come in if you don’t have a good converting website. If your website is sluggish, not turning visitors into buyers and you’re struggling in business because of it, that’s a different issue. Trying a Band-Aid solution to a website that is not converting is going to be a waste of your time, money and energy.
Just send your $1k to me; it will be much easier on you in the long run and you'll learn just as much....... :banana_sml:
Q. Why are people on facebook?
A. To be entertained.

If companies try to direct sell on FB, they're conversions will be cr@p. Why?
Because they simply don't understand it.

If you have an (affiliate) offer, think exactly who your target market is and how to add value to your offer.
Dating = Hard Mode
Anything else = Easier-than-dating Mode

From what I've heard. I've only done dating so far, and it has been nothing but a pain in the ass... but, it is finally paying off a bit.
Dating = Hard Mode
Anything else = Easier-than-dating Mode

From what I've heard. I've only done dating so far, and it has been nothing but a pain in the ass... but, it is finally paying off a bit.

Are you sending your traffic to a landing page/squeeze page?
Anyone who is telling you that you can't making a fat chunk of cash on FB ads needs to go get fucked.

I am not saying its easy, but you can do it.

1. Direct link - I have never found a use for a landing page on FB.
2. CTR = Higher than 0.07 ... (Higher CTR = Lower CPC)
3. Track all your ads in t202
4. Trim the fat till you profit

I m not going to expand on that, but make a run at it. 1k is enough to do some learning, keep your daily budgets around 50-100 a day.. and be very specific about how many images and ad groups you test at a time. Many people with small budgets try to test too much and don t get enough data. THE MONEY IS IN THE DATA.

Roll all your money back into your ads and keep testing.
There were a couple of products out which were really helpful, one of them was 1penny clicks? If i remember correctly. Also there's the Mr FBX which is good but it has a major problem he promotes everything via CPC and CPM. The rest of the course is good.

And I do agree with the guys above if you want to sell you have already failed. Now I'm planning to do some FB PPC as well but 5th of Nov is here and the Anonymous Attack is bound to happen. So I'm waiting for a few days and see what's going to happen.