Getting scrubbed on only 1 search engine


New member
Sep 23, 2009
new england
Soo my epc's were cut by 60% but only from one search engine, and on almost every keyword except one. I am cloaking my referrers with a double meta refresh and am direct linking. What would cause this? Discuss. First to reply correctly gets uber reppage.

first thing to note is a double meta refresh doesn't necessarily cloak your referer.

different traffic sources will give you *gasp* different conversion rates. since you didn't give any significant details at all, there could be a ton of reasons for this. could be your original data sample size was insignificant. could be the ads are now being syndicated in new areas. could be other things.
Well, has this happened to anyone else using in the past week or so? Did they just merge with some crap company? I had a steady conversion rate with them for a month. Last Saturday rolls around, my spend doubles, and my conversions hit the shitter. I said epc's dropped 60%, but it was even more than that. Hmmm. All unique ip's, no duplicate click through's.
Well, has this happened to anyone else using in the past week or so? Did they just merge with some crap company? I had a steady conversion rate with them for a month. Last Saturday rolls around, my spend doubles, and my conversions hit the shitter. I said epc's dropped 60%, but it was even more than that. Hmmm. All unique ip's, no duplicate click through's.

Ask has a great selection of complete shit sites to place you on, which will come and go at random. Look at referring site and ask them to block shit that doesn't convert, and ask for refunds on shit that's clearly fraud/misleading click-generated. I was going for months doing well, then the shit started and it was tough as hell to stay ahead of all the crap - I stopped advertising with them, and once I started again (after my rep called to find out why I had stopped... like she didn't read all the emails I had been sending them) somehow I only get good placements.

As for scrubbing with the OP, SPLIT TEST! Just throw the same offer from another network in, or split another similar offer across all of your traffic, and see what happens.