Getting Electronics to Canada from

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nah, man... gift cert's are strictly for one site. So if it says on it, you can't spend it anywhere else.
The only way you could do this is if you have a friend in the US, prefferably as close to the border as possible and send them to his house. Then he can mail the stuff to you. Or you can pick it up yourself if you feel like it
Can you transfer gift certificates ?
Could you give the certificates to someone here who was going to buy something from Amazon and they paypal you the same amount ?
well, yeah, you could do that, if you haven't already applied the credit to your account. If you haven't, it's just a code, so you could sell it like you would one of those google adwords coupons. But take care, I don't think Amazon is ok with you selling their gift cert's (even if they make the same cash either way...)

I've seen some of those sales before, and I suggest your asking price be around 75% of the value on the certificate... that seems to work best.

Meh... whenever I get amazon gift certs (seems to happen quite often lately), I just go and buy a bunch of books... you never can have enough :)
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