Getting domains with a mis-spelling


New member
May 31, 2010
Is there any point? I found a misspelled brand while doing keyword research getting a huge search volume that I can get a good domain for and monetize, but is there any point?

When I do a google search for the term it suggests the correct spelling but still lists the results for the incorrect spelling that I searched for... if google starts just auto correcting and only showing the correct spelling results my domain will be worthless. Worth a shot or waste of time?

Thanks for the responses - it isnt some kind of household brand name. They manufacture a consumer good that I would then sell on that site as an affiliate.

Sounds like a legal minefield though so I might just leave it alone.
I'm sure there are some common misspellings that get some pretty consistent traffic but its not somehting I'd spend a lot of time or money on.
I often buy misspelled domains...but that is because I get the bright idea and get the domain right before I pass out and spell whatever domain i'm trying to buy wrong.