Getting approved for Colotox at CX Digital

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New member
Dec 20, 2006
Recently I've been advertising Colotox at CX Digital. Yesterday they switched my links to this page about needing to get the merchant's approval before running it. I applied today and was rejected by the merchant. Does anyone have any tips with dealing with CX Digital or running Colotox? I did see it is originally from clickbooth but I'm not sure why I would get rejected at CX. I replaced it with total cleanse at ads4dough, but it's nice to have a backup in case total cleanse goes down. All my links were cloaked with prosper so maybe that is why I was denied?

Colotox was discontinued by CX - and if you need to get approved just call up your Aff manager, that will get you approved.
thanks acemenace, I didn't get the message from CX. I know it's not just me that can't run it then.
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