Getting a .net vs .com (owner has a private whois)

Dr. Scientist

New member
Feb 7, 2010
The branded domain I'd like isn't available in .com, and the owner has a private whois. I emailed the proxy email letting him know I'd like to buy his domain that has nothing on it, but no response. I imagine he used a throw away email. Would complaining to ICANN be worth the time?

I can either get a .net in the same domain name, or throw on or My lawyers tell me throwing in Inc at the end of the name might be an issue because I've got an LLC. I also thought of throwing on 'get' or 'wear' as a prefix.

I want to come off as a big brand and want to be able to compete with the competition in SEO, and I'm not exactly sure how any of this, or using .net, will affect it.


Complaining to ICANN about what? Because the owner didn't respond? I don't understand. One option is to have the registrar reach out to the owner and do the negotiating for you (for a small fee and sometimes a % of sale). I've had people use Network Solutions to contact and purchase domains from me. Easy process and works out well for both parties.

Anywho, if you want to come off as a big brand then absolutely go with a .com -- it's really the only thing the general population is familiar with. Why not just use LLC at the end if INC might be an issue?
The domain's registrar is GoDaddy, and I spoke to them and they said that since the domain is on a private whois, all they can do is email the guy, the same as I did, and there wouldn't be any other options for them if he didn't respond. They're thinking he used some throw away email to register and hasn't checked it in ages. I'm hoping to pick it up after the drop next year, wort case scenario.

Would I still come off as a big brand using LLC? I feel like the general population isn't familiar with it.
Depending what your company name is, you may be better off just adding "company" at the end of the domain. Example: Kong pet products, which is one of the largest if not thee largest in the pet toy space, uses This use of company at the end is just fine and does not detract from the name.

I think using co or company would behoove you way more than using INC or LLC
Wants to seem Big Brand

Doesn't want people knew he is just LLC



