Getting a Job - AM Part Time

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New member
Jan 19, 2008
So... the time I've been dreading has come.

Haven't had a job in about 4 years. I've been living off of affiliate and other marketing all that time, however my debt is around 50k.

And majority of my campaigns either tanked or getting negative ROI as of this month. This month so far has been the worst ever.

I always delayed getting a job, because I thought that "yeah next project will surely work out"...

Now I'm at a point that I can't even find motivation to look at stats, let alone do new stuff.

The problem I'm seeing is - where can I even find a job? What am I gonna put on resume. I only have retail experience, and I'm not going to retail fuck no.

What adds additional problems is I have another real life business, but it's not taking off (can't pour money into offline marketing), but I do get orders a few times week. If I get a job, this business will be neglected and I might loose some regular customers.

All-in-all this is a pretty shitty situation.

So... the time I've been dreading has come.

Haven't had a job in about 4 years. I've been living off of affiliate and other marketing all that time, however my debt is around 50k.

And majority of my campaigns either tanked or getting negative ROI as of this month. This month so far has been the worst ever.

I always delayed getting a job, because I thought that "yeah next project will surely work out"...

Now I'm at a point that I can't even find motivation to look at stats, let alone do new stuff.

The problem I'm seeing is - where can I even find a job? What am I gonna put on resume. I only have retail experience, and I'm not going to retail fuck no.

What adds additional problems is I have another real life business, but it's not taking off (can't pour money into offline marketing), but I do get orders a few times week. If I get a job, this business will be neglected and I might loose some regular customers.

All-in-all this is a pretty shitty situation.

50K debt is not "living off of affiliate income", it's sticking good money into shitty projects. It's probably time for a stop-loss on your end.

FWIW, I did the same thing with a site in 2005. Stuck 40K into it and it just never took off. Best day of my life was when I closed my office in 2007 and took a corporate job for $72K/year + full benefits and $400K life insurance. $72K in my city is more than enough to party like a rockstar.
JK. Seriously you need to talk to a bankruptcy lawyer. Do you own a home? Do you own a vehicle over 5k ? Do you own any other assets that could be taken if you were to declare bankruptcy? I live in Canada so laws here are different but some states are pretty debtor friendly and it would probably be easier to just cut your losses and get out of the mess rather than trying to dig yourself out!
JK. Seriously you need to talk to a bankruptcy lawyer. Do you own a home? Do you own a vehicle over 5k ? Do you own any other assets that could be taken if you were to declare bankruptcy? I live in Canada so laws here are different but some states are pretty debtor friendly and it would probably be easier to just cut your losses and get out of the mess rather than trying to dig yourself out!

BK my balls. 50K can be paid off in 2 years with some really really hard work.


As a geek, if you can't pull in 50K on the side after 24 months using these tools, find another profession.
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good idea mikime, and fuck his life up for the next 10 years. +rep

@bb_wolfe, yeah assuming he has skills, which I don't think he does.
I did 35K in article writing in 8 months. Bakruptcy should be the absolute last resort.
Even though you failed - you probably know more than most affiliate managers and possibly many SEO people.

Sad but true: SEO Jobs Galore : Oaseo

Good luck.

A buddy of mine with no "technical skills" and nothing but a very GOOD knowledge of seo just got a entry level 60k job. Sure it's not a huge amount and less than he probably makes through the course of the year on-line - but it's only 8 hours a day. He can do what he does on-line on the weekends.

So can you if you think about it.
I did 35K in article writing in 8 months. Bakruptcy should be the absolute last resort.

I'm in the same boat for

I do about $1300/month in addition to my 9-5. Most, if not all, is ridiculously simple tasks such as swapping out a server, terminating a jack, reconfiguring a router, site surveys, etc. All pay $100-300 a visit or flat rate, etc.

I wish I could write to the tune of 35K.
As a geek, if you can't pull in 50K on the side after 24 months using these tools, find another profession.

You need to consider that it would actually be over 65k that you would need to get 50k in aftertax money, that is if you only worked one job. You would still need to live so you would have to earn more that so your tax bracket could be even higher.

Then you also need to take into account the interest you would pay. Depending on where this money is from it could be anywhere from prime to 28.8%. If you called it 15% that is over $600 a month in interest,so another 7k annually that needs to be paid with after tax $.

I have no clue if he can do the work you suggested but either way, its a fuck of an uphill battle. I will concede that people have done it and it is doable but I believe if you won't work hard for yourself who the fuck will you work hard for ?
Fucking up your credit for 10 years by declaring BK is a really bad idea if you plan on buying a house in the next 10-15 years.

OP - as far as skills I'm sure you have plenty. If you live in a decent size town there should be lots of companies that need someone in marketing - be it social media, SEO, PPC, analytics, blogging, webmastering, landing page design/testing, or any combination of the above.
Well, he didn't say what kind of debt it was... if it's student loans bankruptcy isn't going to cover it.
I wish I could write to the tune of 35K.
Me too. I got really bad carpal tunnel now as a result of spitting out 12,000+ words a day.

Anyways, back on topic, the OP could easily find ways to make a few extra bucks a month and use it to pay down their debt. Not only that, but if things get really bad there's always the option of hitting up one of those debt consolidation places.
Don't let this shit get you down ... there's a ton of opportunity online that you might not have considered.

There's also a whole bunch of other people in your boat that don't speak up. Personally, I was an office manager for a busy construction company until last month -- owner was a dickhead, pulled all of the deposit money and blamed the shitty industry and economy. He closed shop 3 days after I quit -- he didn't realize that the entire inner workings of his company (A/R, A/P, Payroll, Customer Service etc.) were in my head.

Point of the story -- I have been technically "unemployed" for a month now .. during which I have put in 60+ hours a week on affiliate marketing / developing sites. This is 40 hours more (200% more) than I've ever put in (AM was always just a side thing) and I've managed to increase my monthly profits by 1000%.

Just keep your head up man. Don't file bk, get a part-time job to keep the bills paid and continue being persistent online.

ps. I'd also suggest developing a separate income stream online. I've spent the last year setting up a few decent niche sites with adsense on them ... takes a shitload of pressure off as the money can now cover all of my monthly bills.
If you're 50k in debt, then you haven't been living off of your affiliate income. You've been living off your credit cards.
You're doing the right thing.

If anything, going back to the life of a working stiff will reiterate why you got into affiliate marketing in the first place and provide some motivation.
JK. Seriously you need to talk to a bankruptcy lawyer. Do you own a home? Do you own a vehicle over 5k ? Do you own any other assets that could be taken if you were to declare bankruptcy? I live in Canada so laws here are different but some states are pretty debtor friendly and it would probably be easier to just cut your losses and get out of the mess rather than trying to dig yourself out!

declaring bankruptcy is retarded.....and so are you.
You need to consider that it would actually be over 65k that you would need to get 50k in aftertax money, that is if you only worked one job. You would still need to live so you would have to earn more that so your tax bracket could be even higher.

Then you also need to take into account the interest you would pay. Depending on where this money is from it could be anywhere from prime to 28.8%. If you called it 15% that is over $600 a month in interest,so another 7k annually that needs to be paid with after tax $.

I have no clue if he can do the work you suggested but either way, its a fuck of an uphill battle. I will concede that people have done it and it is doable but I believe if you won't work hard for yourself who the fuck will you work hard for ?

It's people like this fuck face that drove America into the financial shitter it's in today.
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