Get Your Ex Back Product Creation Method


New member
Mar 3, 2010
QC, Canada
Hey guys,

If you ever been interested in product creation, you might be interested in this method to create the perfect Get Your Ex Back product.

1. Get a cool domain like
2. Watch [ame=""]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame] (video full of magic)
3. Watch it a couple times, just to make sure you understand the concepts
4. Write a eBook or outsource it based on the clever techniques this guy is using
5. ???
6. Profit

Now don't go on the Warrior forum and sell that method, I trust you guys.

How come no-one has made a thing like get your ex back and then deflate her. It would be awesome. Think about it. Give the company a pic of your ex and then they make a blow up just like her. Fuck that shit out and when she gets cranky, fold her up and shove her in the cupboard.