geoparting your conversions.... ip cloaking?


New member
Sep 23, 2009
new england
So, I started geoparting. Not before the fact, but after. I run my p202 csv reports across a tool to see where my high/low CVR's are then bid a certain % more in those locations only. I feel I may know the answer already, but what percent of advertisers utilize this same method as far as running the campaign themselves? To what extent? I was looking into ip cloaking with TOR/VPN etc. but I'm not sure I want to go down that road. I doubt it's worth it at this point w the campaigns I'm running atm. I know this is a biggie, but does anyone care to divulge on this? PM if at all proprietary.

i also dont get the cloaking part. if those areas arent profitable just exclude them.

Fuck i really should just make this, it would probably take me an hour.
i also dont get the cloaking part. if those areas arent profitable just exclude them.

Fuck i really should just make this, it would probably take me an hour.

write a tutorial on how you did it so us intermediate noobs can get better at coding.