GD Expired Domains


Level 3
Dec 2, 2012
Bought one about 3 days ago, have yet to see it show in my inventory.

Is this standard?

Also, I bought it strictly for the 7 year domain age and 20 .edu's pointing at it, but it's a totally irrelevant niche. What's the best way to get the most link juice from it? It will not provide direct traffic, so I'm not worried about that.

Godaddy sends you an email with the date they are going to release it, it's usually 7 days after the auction ends - assuming you already paid for it.​

That is if the domain is registered with them. Otherwise, it can take even more.

I have had a couple glitches happen to me lately though where I thought I got a domain but it just disappeared. Found others have experienced similar stuff when looking on G.
Godaddy sends you an email with the date they are going to release it, it's usually 7 days after the auction ends - assuming you already paid for it.​

Only thing in the email was a receipt. Would it take longer because I bought private reg?
Only thing in the email was a receipt. Would it take longer because I bought private reg?

If this was an auction you should be able to see this:

There is a great thread on expired domains in enlightened. From shawnhawg.

I've read it a few times now.

Not many posts within it are strictly about relevancy.

I'm not sure whether to just 301 or actually build out. If I 301, the anchor text is just brand text for the most part, so I'm pretty good there. But the linking sites, as good as they are, are VERY niche specific. Something 100% irrelevant to my main.

Maybe I'm not thinking creatively enough to match the expired to the money site?
Click auctions, since you already won there would be no bids.​

Also empty.

Don't worry CC, I'll figure it out. I was just wondering if anyone else had any experience with a domain pending or something. It's my first expired buy, so I was unfamiliar. Ill prob call GD today.
it's a totally irrelevant niche. What's the best way to get the most link juice from it?

Start something in this niche. If it's really totally irrelevant, the links from this domain won't serve you any good.
