Gaza baby 'only knew how to smile'


Super User
Jan 14, 2010
This report is touching and shows who really suffers from the war. Its not the leaders who sit inside bunkers and order the war. Its not the arm chair propogandists who takes side and argue for the war - They did it so we should also do it. The real sufferers are the common people, the children.

And when you are far away from the real battle field, its easy to take side based on your religion, political affiliation or country.

BBC News - Gaza baby 'only knew how to smile'

Disclaimer - I'm neither a muslim nor a jew.

ok LoLz aside...

and putting all politics aside. innocent women and children lose their limbs and their lives. of course that is the real tragedy.

that's why war is bad.
Did you notice something about all of these media reports. Not one was taken from the Jews point of view nor were any media reports taken from within the jewish state.

you see the israelis running around saying "we won..."... more like "You got cameras in front of you so you can show how excited you are to finally work out how to pull the trigger"...